Special fees available until 10 September 2020
Online registration form
Click HERE for more details on the
Conference faculty list
1/ Abstracts may only be submitted exclusively online via the Conference website, using the online form available HERE.
2/ Abstracts submitted by postal office, fax or sent by e-mail (even if the e-mail account is associated with the Conference or with the PCO - Ralcom Exhibitions) will NOT be considered for evaluation and inclusion in the program.
3/ All authors must register for the Conference and pay the registration fee before 10 August 2020 in order to confirm their presentation. Failure to do this could result in losing their presentation slot.
4/ Abstracts must be written in Romanian and English and will not exceed 250 words.
The online form is configured not to accept abstracts that exceed this limit, so please make sure the abstracts are the right size before submitting them online. It is recommended that you write the abstract in a Word document so that you can use the Word Count function to fit the maximum number of words accepted.
Authors with their affiliation will not be taken into account in the calculation of the 250 words.
5/ The content of the abstract must be informative and should include:
a) study objective;
b) material and methods;
c) results;
d) conclusions.
6/ Abstract editing:
• The title should be brief (100 characters maximum) and clearly indicate the content.
• Submissions must be made in plain text format (no tables, graphs, charts or images are permitted).
• Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors as they will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proofreading will be done.
• All abbreviations must be explained after their first use. Use standard abbreviations generic drug names. Do NOT identify author(s) or institution(s) in text.
• According to the rules of the Romanian College of Physicians, the usage of commercial drug names or company names is not permitted in the abstract(s) submitted for the event, neither in the title, nor in the content.
7 / The number of co-authors will be limited to a maximum of 10.
If you submit several abstracts and some co-authors are included in several abstracts, please write the first and last names in the same format in all submissions, to avoid possible errors in the index of the Abstract Book and in the certificates for papers.
The identification data of the authors will include the following information, in the order of enumeration: full name, surname, institution / hospital, department / section, city, country.
8/ Bibliography is not mandatory.
If the author wishes to include bibliographic references, a maximum of two cited bibliographic references will be provided at the end of the abstract.
9 / With the submission of the scientific abstract, the first author has the obligation: - to assume responsibility for the information presented; - to confirm that all the authors of the submitted paper know and agree with the content of the abstract.
10/ Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence, or be perceived to influence their work.
Please fill in the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form available HERE, sign it and send it to the Conference Secretariat at rezumate@congrespsihiatrie.ro by 10 August 2020 the latest.
11/ Please note that submitters can go back and make changes to a submitted abstract at any time up to the deadline. To edit a submitted abstract please use the personalized link received in the abstract submission confirmation e-mail.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl