Special fees available until 10 September 2020
Online registration form
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Conference faculty list
In accordance with the criteria of the Romanian College of Physicians, all statements regarding potential conflicts of interest, due to a financial or other relationship, must be available upon request.
All authors are asked to declare any relationships, transactions, positions they hold (voluntary or appointed) or any circumstances that are considered likely to lead to a potential conflict of interest.
Please fill in and sign the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form available for download below and send it signed to the PCO company of the National Psychiatry Conference 2020, Ralcom Exhibitions srl, at the e-mail address rezumate@congrespsihiatrie.ro.
The conflict of interest disclosure forms must be sent before 01 August 2020.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl