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salvatore chiarenza

•            Director of Operative Complex Unit of Pediatric Surgery at S. Bortolo Hospital Vicenza, Italy (2010 until today)

•            Director of Veneto Regional Center of Minimally Invasive Pediatric Surgery and Urology. S. Bortolo Hospital Vicenza, Italy

•   Director of Veneto Regional Center of Spina Bifida Patients and neurologic Bladder. S. Bortolo Hospital Vicenza, Italy

•            Professor at the School of Medicine and Surgery Federico II of Naples 

•            Over 9500 operations of Pediatric Surgery mainly in MIS (General, Urology, NEWBORN, Gastroenterology , Thoracic, Plastic, etc)

•            Over 250 papers in scientific publications, reports or abstracts of Pediatric General Surgery, Pediatric urologic and neonatal Mininvasive Surgery (laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, retroperitoneoscopy), Pediatric Urology, Urodynamic and Urorehabilitation published in scientific journals or presented in the National or Internationals Congresses

•            European Diplomas EITS (European Institute of Tele Surgery), Strasbourg (France), of:

o            Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery 

o            Laparoscopic Techniques in Urology,

o            Advanced Course of Laparoscopy in Paediatric Surgery

o            Advanced Course of Laparoscopy in Paediatric Urology

o            Advanced Course of Paediatric Endosurgery

o            Natural Orifice Trans Endoluminal Surgery (N.O.T.E.S) Hands-on Course


•            Full Member of ESPES, EUPSA, IPEG, SICP (Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery), SIUP (Italian Society of Pediatric Urology), SIVI (Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infant)

•            Member of the Executive Board of Italian Society of Pediatric Surgery (SICP)

•            Covered several positions in SIVI (Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infant)

o            Board Member

o            Secretary

o            Italian MIS Guidelines Chairman

•            President of SIVI (Italian Society of Videosurgery in Infant)

•            Covered several positions in the European Society of Pediatric Mininvasive Surgery ESPES (European Society Pediatric Endoscopic Surgeons):

o            Founding Member (2010)

o            Board Member (2011-2014)

o            European MIS Guidelines Chairman

o            Treasurer in charge from 2019

o            Director of Educational Board of ESPES from 2021

•            President of the 9° congress of ESPES in Vicenza.

•            Tutor, Teacher and Faculty and Chairman in over 220 Advanced course of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery and Urology in Italy, Europe and overseas (England, France, Spain, Austria, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Romania, Egypt, Tunis, Venezuela, Chile etc)

•            Consultant Surgeon in Minimally Invasive Pediatric, Urology and neonatologic surgery in several Pediatric and Urologic Department in Italian (Bergamo, Brescia, Trento, Treviso, Parma, Modena, Roma, Napoli, Catania) and overseas Hospitals (Bellinzona – Switzerland-, Cairo-Egypt-, Tanta-Egypt, Al Azar- Egypt, Hamamet - Tunis)

•            Author Book Chapter

o            Book: ESPES Manual of Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery; chapter: Laparoscopic Management of Extrinsic Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction (UPJO) by Crossing Vessels Pages 381-387

o            Book: Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery: Semeiotics and Diagnostic Elements for the Pediatrician and the Pediatric Nurse, Editors: Esposito C, Esposito G, Ascione G, Savanelli A, Settimi A, Vallone G, writing N. 3 Chapters entitled " Esophageal Atresia ", "Varicocele" and "Diafragmatic Hernia".

o            book: Manual of Pediatric Videosurgery by C.Esposito, C.Hollands, M. Lima, A.Settimi, JS. Valla. Ed Springer 2010 with the chapters entitled: “Laparoscopic Treatment of Uracal Cysts in pediatric ages” (pag. 153-159)

o            Book: Pediatric Surgery for the Pediatrician. Ed. Graphic Arts Crennesi Gallarate (Va) 2010 with the chapter titled: Mininvasive Techniques in Pediatric Age - Mininvasive Surgery - (p. 311-329)

o            Book: Subjects of Pediatric Surgery. Editions Medical and Surgery Pediatrics. Tip UTV. Vicenza December 2001 with the following chapters of the title

            Recent acquisitions in the diagnosis and treatment of Abdominal Neuroblastoma pag. 9-20

            Congenital disorders of intestinal motility p. 53-74

o            Book: The Neurological Bladder in Child U. Beseghi, V. Jasonni, Edi-Meeting 1996 with the chapter titled: The Urological Balance at Birth pag. 53-65

•            Editor in Chief of Pediatria Medica Chirurgica (Ped. Med. Chir.) scientific review Indexed in Pub Med