jean pierre kahn

Present Position (2019 - 2021):

- Medical Director, Clinique Soins-Etudes de la Fondation Sant des Etudiants de France (FSEF), 51 Vitry-le-François

- Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

Academic Curriculum:

- 2004-2017: Coordinator of the Studies and Curriculum of students in Psychiatry at Nancy Medical School, Université de Lorraine and Nancy University Medical Center (CHU de NANCY)

- 1995: Professor of Psychiatry

- 1992: PhD degree obtained at Université de Lorraine

- 1984-1985: Post Doctoral Fellowship as Visiting Associate at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Bethesda (Md), USA; Scholarships obtained from the Fogarty Foundation for the Sciences (USA) and from the Foundation Cino Del Duca (France, Italy)

- 1983: Graduation in Psychiatry at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Université Paris VI

- 1981: Graduation and Medical Degree at Faculté de médecine, Université de Lorraine, NANCY, France

- 1980: Scholarship of the European Training Program in Brain and Behavior Research; Visiting Scholar at the Department of Experimental Psychology; Oxford University (UK).; Fellow of University College

- 1974: Scholarship of “Alliance for Franco-American Graduates”; Department of Psychiatry, Union University, Albany (NY), USA

Affiliations to National and International Societies:

- Secretary, Section of Suicidology of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)

- Member and former Secretary, Section of Suicidology, European Psychiatric Association (EPA)

- International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD)

- French Observatory for Suicide (Observatoire National du Suicide)


- Lauréat de la Faculté de Médecine de Nancy, Université de Lorraine (1981)

- Prix Robert Debré du Haut Comité de Lutte contre l’Alcoolisme (1982)

- Fellow of University College, Oxford University, UK (1982)

Publications: over 200 international publications, and book chapters, mostly on suicidology and bipolar disorders

Languages: French (native), English/American (fluent), German (fair)

Skills: Teaching and Organization’s Supervision

He has been training students in various health specialties for many years, using systemic and communication theories techniques, especially role play, clinical interview supervision, psychotherapy supervision, systemic supervision. He has also been involved in crisis intervention, family mediation, etc.