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Lăzărescu Mircea, born in 1939, in Lugoj, studied Medicine in Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca, finishing the University with a Bachelor paper on the unstable child (ADHD). During his trainee years, he worked in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Paclisa - Hateg (alongside Dr. V. Ilea), and in the Neurosis Sanatorium in Savarsin (with Dr. A. Dan). In 1965 he becomes Prof. E. Pamfil’s assistant, at the Psychiatric Clinic in Timisoara. His doctorate studies (1969) the fobic psychopathology and is followed by the publishing of the Obsessive Pathology book, in 1973. During his years spent in the Psychiatric Clinic of Timisoara, which he ran during 1983 and 2010, he focused on community psychiatry and started a case-registry for psychosis (1985-2004). His main area of focus was psychopathology (published books: Introduction in anthropological psychopathology -1989, Clinical psychopathology-1994, The basis of clinical psychopathology-2010) and he was constantly active in these areas of the AEP and WPA.
Starting with the year 1992 he became a Psychiatry Professor, PhD coordinator and was elected Emeritus Member of the Medical Science Academy. Between 1990 and 1995 he was the President of the Romanian Psychiatric Association, during which time he encouraged and supported the founding of many profile associations (The Romanian Psychotherapy Association, The Psychiatric Trainee Association, The Romanian Social-Psychiatry Association, etc.). In 1990 he founded and became the president of the Psychiatric Association of Timisoara, which he still presides today. Through this Association he organized many scientific events, hosting both national and international personalities, two International Congresses of Psychopathology (1992 and 1994) and two Danubian Psychiatry Symposiums (1996 and 2012).
Prof. Mircea Lazarescu also published monographs, collaborating with Dr. O. Bumbea - Obsessive Pathology (in 2008) and with Prof. A. Nirestean - Personality Disorders (in 2007). During this last decade, he focused on the cultural-evolutionary psychopathology (What is the Mental Disorder-20014) and on applying this doctrine in psychosis (The psychopathology of psychosis- 2016, The main psychopathology syndromes and their correspondent in normality- currently in work).
He also published memoirs (The colors of nostalgia- 1998, Odiseu without Ithaca-2009), Philosophical-anthropology essays (Essay on the intermediate beings-1994, About Holiday, gardens and logos-2004) and was interested in the contribution of the romanian intellectuals in Modern Europe’s cultural synthesis (Torture, extasy and high madness in the XXth Century - 2011, The wise-men quarrel on time- Cioran, Eliade, Noica, Heidegger, The Unbearable Phylosophy- Noica-2017), and participated constantly to Cioran and Noica Symposiums.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl