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Maria Nicoleta Turliuc is a university professor, member of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (FPSE) within the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași (UAIC). She is the director of the Center for Personal Development and Vocational Training (CDPFP) within UAIC. She is also the coordinator of the well-being, stress and resilience laboratory - at individual, didactic and family level, within the FPSE Research Center. She is currently a member of the UAIC senate and of the specialized commission within CNATDCU.
Her research interests are limited to topics such as: 1. Formation, maintenance and dissolution of intimate relationships: individual differences, interactive processes and relational characteristics, 2. Emotional regulation: individual and dyadic, 3. The couple, family and the challenges of change: stress, illness , death, transitions and 4. Trauma, resilience and post-traumatic development.
She has been the director of several research and research-development grants. She is the sole or first author of 5 books (Psychology of Trauma, 2014; Domestic Violence. Theories, Particularities and Specific Interventions, 2009; Psychosociology of the Deviant Behavior, 2007; Psychology of the Couple and the Family, 2004; Imaginary, Identity and Social Representations. The Image of the Allogeneic Element in the Romanian Collective Mentality, 2004). She coordinated 6 volumes, including: Intimate Relationships. Interpersonal Attraction and Coexistence in Couples (together with Ștefan Boncu, 2016), Gender and Gender Differences in Empirical Studies (2014), Gender, Work, Family and Change (2013), etc. She has published 10 book chapters abroad (UK, Germany, Italy, France, Norway) and 40 book chapters published by renowned publishing houses in the country, and has published 29 studies in ISI and ISI Proceedings (Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Family Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Loss and Trauma, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, etc.), over 50 studies in BDI journals and participated in over 90 conferences organized in the country and abroad, and at 11 of them she was a Keynote speaker, she received several CNCSIS awards for ISI publications, the Medal of the Jean François Champolion University Center, Albi, France (2010), “PETRE ANDREI” Award at the International Romanian Book Fair, 17th edition, Iași, 2008 and several Diplomas of Excellence.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
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Academy of Medical Sciences
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