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Primary psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences, former Director of the National Center for Mental Health and Anti-Drug Control, (March 2020) Medical Director of the Bellanima Medical Center, former associate professor at Hyperion University, Faculty of Psychology where she taught Psychiatry, Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies and Clinical Assessment at the master's level.
She is President, trainer and supervisor of the Romanian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, associate member of the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, former National Delegate in the Bureau of the European Association of Psychotherapy, Honorary President of the Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy.
Courses, qualifications and experience
Doctor of Medicine with the paper "Studies on Anxiety Disorders from the Perspective of Life Cycles and Psychoanalytically Inspired Psychotherapy" - held in January 1995 at UMF - Timisoara under the scientific leadership of Acad. Prof. Dr. Mircea Lazarescu;
‘Grandparent’ certificate in psychotherapy - awarded by ARP (1997);
Certificate of completion for the course in psychoanalytic psychotherapy (1995 - 1999) organized by the Foundation for the Support of Psychotherapy in Romania (Rotterdam) with the support of the Institute of Psychoanalysis and the Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in the Netherlands;
Certificate of psychotherapist with independent practice, trainer and supervisor of ARPP - FRP (2005);
European Certificate in Psychotherapy issued by AEP (2004);
Certificate of Graduation in the specialty of psychotherapy in the method of Scientific, Client/Person-Centered Psychotherapy granted by the Austrian Society for Scientific, Client-Centered Psychotherapy (October 2005); trainer and supervisor in person-centered psychotherapy.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl