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PhD in Psychology, lecturer at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Department of Psychology, Iași, Romania. Principal research interests and competencies are in the fields of loss and traumatic stress, resilience and posttraumatic growth, cognitive abilities and personality, safety behaviors on the road. She published as author and coauthor 3 books: Trauma Psychology (co-author, Polirom Publishing House, 2014), Bulimia nervosa. Theory, evaluation and treatment (co-author, Polirom Publishing House, 2016), Traumatic stress and personal posttraumatic growth (European Institute Publishing House, 2017). She also published several book chapters and more than 50 studies in different journals indexed in Web of Science and other international databases, such as Safety Science, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, The Journal of Psychology, Anxiety, stress, and coping, Journal of Loss and Trauma, International Journal of Stress Managament, Social Science Journal, Journal of Happiness Studies, Learning and Individual Differences. She is responsible for the courses of Computerized Data Analysis, Methodology of Scientific Research and Psycho-diagnosis of aptitudes. Also teach Psychology of resilience and Trauma psychology, resilience, and personal posttraumatic growth. She managed three research projects awarded by national competition, about posttraumatic stress symptomatology at victims of road traffic accidents, false memory for past life events, and ways of promoting resilience through cognitive and emotional control in context of secondary stress exposure. She collaborated with scientists from abroad and participated at numerous international conferences.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Socola" Institute
of Psychologists of Psychiatry
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl