Congress Registration

Late registration: starting with 01 July 2022

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2022

Become our Partner

Hybrid events can offer attending companies the best of both worlds. They add to the benefits of live events and extend the advantages of exclusively virtual ones.

More choice for everyone

Hybrid conferences give companies the opportunity to choose how they want to get involved in the event. Depending on the company's objectives, budget projection or simply availability, they may choose to participate physically or exclusively virtually. They can also more easily support the continuous medical education of healthcare professionals by facilitating their participation in person or as a virtual delegate.

Extended audience

The virtual component makes the event more accessible, regardless of geographical boundaries. Participants who cannot be physically present at the Congress can navigate the event from the comfort of their own home or office.

Stronger sponsorship opportunities

Partners benefit greatly from hybrid events. The why is quite simple - double the impact. Companies can have both a digital and a physical presence, this translating into more opportunities to get in front of their target audience and drive business.

Top-tier speakers can still attend

Satellite symposia are a great opportunity to showcase a company's products and services. And the ideal speaker to support this presentation is twice as likely to participate, having two environments in which they can be present. The hybrid format therefore helps to set up a successful program.

Higher engagement with the audience

Hybrid events allow Organizers to take advantage of two distinct sets of engagement opportunities, tailored to the preferences of attendees in each environment (physical or virtual).

Corporate prospectus

For more information on the partnership opportunities,
as well as the general conditions regarding group registrations, please contact:

Please note that the terms and conditions of cancellations / refunds that are specified on the website in the article detailing the registration fees apply strictly to individual participants.

For group participants contracted by companies / agencies, the conditions for cancellation / reimbursement of registration fees can be found in the CNP 2022 Promotional Services Offer.