Event Registration

Click HERE for the online form.
Regular registration deadline: 20.10.2024

Course Registration

Click HERE for the online form.

Terms and conditions

Intellectual property
The intellectual property right over the content (represented by logos, graphics, commercial symbols, images, videos, text, but also the general appearance of the site) and materials related to the Event belongs to PCO – Ralcom Exhibitions SRL. Event participants, as well as website visitors, are prohibited from copying, altering, modifying, storing, publishing, transferring, selling or distributing the content presented on the website for commercial purposes. Taking over, reproducing or using the content available on the website or the materials related to the Event, without the written, prior and express consent of PCO – Ralcom Exhibitions SRL, is a violation of intellectual property rights and falls under Law no. 8/1996 regarding copyright and related rights.

Image Use/Assignment of Rights
In order to carry out the promotion and medical education campaigns, the Organizers require the transfer from the participant of his patrimonial rights and image rights, but also the consent of the participant as any intellectual property rights and property rights over the resulting materials and data in connection with the realization of video recordings, photos or online transmissions will remain the property of the Organizers. In this regard, by registering for the Event and ticking the consent options regarding the policies of the PCO company, the participant expresses his explicit and unequivocal consent to the assignment of his patrimonial and image rights. At the same time, the participant expresses his explicit consent for the assignment of his patrimonial and image rights to the Organizers in order to promote the Event through any of the methods chosen by them (publications, brochures, mass media, social media, PCO website, scientific society website Organizers, Event site, internet etc.) and which no longer requires any other prior or subsequent authorization from his side. The transfer of the rights resulting from the participant's image is done free of charge, the transfer term being unlimited in time. Also, the participant acknowledges and agrees by registering and participating in the event that any possible images/photos/video recordings of his person that were taken by the Organizers during the Event held in a face-to-face or online format, to be broadcast during the Event, as well as to be used later for the purpose of promoting the Event. In this matter, any video recordings, live broadcasts, photos, or other such information delivered during the Event in relation to the participant image etc., will remain the property of the Organizers and may be used by them in accordance with the purpose expressed in this agreement. Thus, any intellectual property rights and property rights over materials and data resulting from the making of video recordings, photographs or online transmissions will remain the property of the owner who holds the property right over them, respectively the property of the Organizers. In the situation in which the participant will refuse the processing of the personal data mentioned above, considering their essential/mandatory character in the organizing of the Event, the refusal will give the Organizers the right to restrict access to the Event.

Limitation of liability
The Organizers and the PCO company – Ralcom Exhibitions SRL cannot be held liable for losses, injuries or material damages recorded during the Event, whatever their cause, provided that they are not the result of any fault on the part of the Organizers or the PCO company – Ralcom Exhibitions SRL. If, for reasons independent of the will and capacity of the Organizersor for reasons which cannot be controlled (pandemics, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, wars, strikes, legal restrictions, interruption of electricity or internet connection during the Event) the period or place of the Event is changed or the scientific program or even if the Event is canceled, the Organizers undertake to reschedule, as far as possible, any announced action or to find another location, but cannot be held responsible for the costs, damages or additional expenses incurred by the participants registered. If, for various objective, justified reasons, as well as with the prior written notification of the participants, the Organizers decide to make changes to the announced structure of the Event (including any organizational details), they will not be responsible for the costs of transport, accommodation or of any other nature already borne by the participants. The Organizers can at any time establish other rules and regulations (with immediate effect) in relation to any aspect regarding the conduct of EABM 2024, with the aim of organizing the event in the best conditions. In this sense, the participants registered to the event have the obligation to respect and comply with them. Any addition/change regarding the organization of the Event will be brought to the attention of the participants in due time.
The Terms and Conditions represent the agreement concluded between website users/participants and PCO – Ralcom Exhibitions SRL. The applicable law to the agreement is the Romanian law. In the case of disputes arising from the violation of the Terms and Conditions, they will be settled according to Romanian law. Disputes can be settled either amicably, through mediation or by resorting to the competent courts, namely the Bucharest judicial courts.