Vă așteptăm la RAES-ESS 2023 International Joint Meeting,
ce se va desfășura în perioada 31 octombrie - 03 noiembrie 2023,
la Hotel Crowne Plaza, București.

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Curs de chirurgie robotică

Doar 1 loc disponibil!

 Cursul a fost creditat cu 6 puncte EMC de către CMR.

Data: 28 septembrie 2022
 Interval orar: 09:00 - 18:00

  Locuri disponibile: 10
  Cursul este susținut in limba engleză
Taxă participare: 100 Euro
 IMPORTANT: Înscrierea la curs este posibilă DOAR ulterior achitării taxei de înregistrare la Congresul ARCE 2022. Înscrierea la Congres se realizează exclusiv online, prin completarea formularului de înregistrare disponibil AICI.
 Înscrierea la curs se realizează exclusiv online, prin completarea formularului disponibil AICI.

This robotic course is for surgeons who are interested in learning techniques for performing robotic assisted laparoscopic procedures. The techniques demonstrated are applicable to various surgical fields such as urology, gynaecology and general surgery.

 This training program is designed for X surgeons.

 Basic laparoscopic skills are highly recommended.

Course objectives:

·       understand the basic principles used in robotic surgery procedures
·       become familiar with the function and operation of the da Vinci Surgical System
·       become familiar with the setup of the robot and the available robotic instrumentation
·       understand the selection process for patient positioning and surgical approaches
·       become familiar with the technique of robotic assisted suturing and knot tying
·       learn “tips and tricks” to make robotic surgery more efficient
·       using the 4th arm

1.      Robotic Surgery Technical Overview
a.      (Eliza Gârbea)

2.      Troubleshooting - Tips & Tricks
a.      (Victor Tomulescu)

3.      System presentation, installation for operation
a.      Moving, connecting and starting of the system
b.      Overview of reusable accessories and disposables
                i.      Overview of instruments
c.       Draping of the system and Docking configuration
d.      Port placement philosophy

4.      Hands-on training session in robotic surgery
a.      Training on the daVinci XI console, on experimental models, live tissue