Associate Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care medicine at the Faculty of Medicine “Titu Maiorescu” from Bucharest, Romania. Head of General Anesthesia at the National Institute of Pulmonology “Marius Nasta”, Bucharest (1998-2021), Head of Department at Monza Oncology Hospital from Bucharest, Romania (2021-2023), Senior Anesthesiologist at Sandor Clinical Hospital from Bucharest (present).
Author of manuscripts published in PubMed-indexed impact journals in the field of thoracic anesthesia, general anesthesia and intensive care medicine. Book chapters on thoracic anesthesia and airway management. 3 Books editor. Main topics of clinical and research interest: thoracic anesthesia, perioperative cardiovascular risk. Member of the Thoracic Anesthesia Subcommittee of EACTAIC.
Invited speaker of Universities from Geneva, Charleroi, Debrecen, and Nis. Invited speaker and moderator at numerous Conferences and Congresses of Anesthesia and ICU since 2000 to present.