27 - 29 OCTOMBRIE 2022

Eveniment față în față
Hotel Sport, Poiana Brașov

Înscriere Congres

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începând cu 01.10.2022
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Program științific

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horia mureșian

Dr. Horia Mureșian is a senior cardiovascular surgeon with cross-cultural medical and scientific experience. He earned his MD title 3 times, in: Romania, USA and Italy.

His surgical interests comprise the new techniques in coronary revascularization, valvar plasty, the use of valvar homo- and autografts, the surgery of aortic aneurysms (including thoraco-abdominal), aortic arch syndrome, carotid and vertebral artery revascularization, the limb-salvage surgical and hybrid procedures. Since a medical student, Dr. Mureșian has been involved in anatomical research, particularly regarding the anatomy and embryology of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

Dr. Mureșian is a contributor to the 41st edition of Gray’s Anatomy and to Bergman’s Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variations. He is also the author of the monograph: The Clinical Anatomy of the Coronary Arteries and editor of the treatise: Arterial Revascularization of the Head and Neck (Springer). Dr. Mureșian is associate editor for the journal Clinical Anatomy (Wiley) and Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy (Springer).

Dr. Mureșian is Visiting Professor at St. George’s School of Medicine in Grenada West Indies and at the University of Medicine in Padua, Italy.

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