Date and place of birth: 4th of June of 1979, Bucharest, Romania
Education Highest degree: Doctor in Medicine, PhD “Cum Laude” by Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, Spain. Year conferred: 2017
Profesional experience:
- 2019: Treasurer of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity - SEEDO
- 2017: Tutor of internal residents of Endocrinology and Nutrition.
- 2017: Associated Professor of Physiology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- 2013: Coordinator of the Morbid Obesity Unit of the Vall Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. EASO Accredited
- 2011: Specialist in Endocrinology, Vall d´Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona.
- 2011: Principal Investigator of the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Unit Vall d´Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Barcelona.
- 2007 - 2011: Medical Internal Resident- Endocrinology, Vall d´Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona.
- 2005 - 2007: Medical Internal Resident-Internal Medicine, at “Sf. Pantelimon” Emergency Hospital, Bucharest.
- 1998 - 2004: B.S. at “Carol Davila” University, Bucharest.
Biometric parameters:
- The Spanish Society of Endocrinology officially awarded with the “Young Investigator Award” in the field of Clinical Research (May 2015).
- Generalitat de Catalunya in 2018: “Instrumental Action Intensification of Specialist Faculty- Call of the PERIS Program” 212/2018, during 2 years for her research work.
- Best research project from the Catalan Society of Endocrinology, November 2014
- Best research project from the Catalan Association of Diabetes, March 2013
Dr. Ciudin is co-IP and work package leader of 2 european projects coordinated by VHIR (Vall Hebron Research Institut) and co-leader of a national project founded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.