cu participare internațională
Ediția a 9-a, Actualități în domeniul demențelor
Manifestare însoțită de o expoziție medicală specializată
20 - 23 februarie 2019
Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center
București, România
Conferința Națională Alzheimer 2019 a fost creditată de către Colegiul Medicilor din România cu 19 credite EMC conform adresei nr. 1176 / 13.02.2019.
Author of many handbooks of psychiatry and speciality books and more than 100 scientific articles and papers communicated and published in speciality reviews.
Her areas of interest include psychopathology and psychopharmacology, old age psychiatry, community care, proved by the important number of studies, research grants and multicentric trials she has performed.
• Founder member of the Romanian Psychiatric Association
• Founder member of the Romanian Mental Health League
• Founder member of the Romanian Psychoanalysis Society
• President and Founder of the Romanian Alzheimer Society
• Founder of the first Memory Clinic in Romania, she has definetly changed the general mentality about the cognitive disorders by encouraging their recognition in early stages of diseases
• President of the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
• Prim Vice-President of the Romanian Society o Psycho-Neuro-Endocrinology
Member in European Groups of Experts in Old Age Psychiatry and in the eld of Dementia, responsible for the development of the educational programs, research and health policies (WHO, EPA, JPND, ELTECA, ALCOVE)
Co-author of the Romanian Guide for the Diagnostic and Treatment of Dementia Chief editor of the psychiatric review “”
Member of the Editorial Board of the “Romanian Review of Psychiatry“ and “Romanian Review of Gerontology and Geriatry” President Elect of the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Chair of the Discipline of Psychiatry, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Dr. Alexandru Aricescu
Medic specialist psihiatru, Medic diabet și boli de nutriție
Activitate clinică psihiatrie începând cu anul 2008, medic specialist în clinică privată (ambulator) începând cu anul 2013. În prezent Director medical în cadrul Clinicii Albion Medical.
Focus al activității clinice în prezent: tulburări de alimentație; tulburări cognitive majore: colaborări prezente cu peste 16 instituții de îngrijire ale pacientului vârstnic, din București și Ilfov.
Ciprian Băcilă
I have graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațeganu” Cluj-Napoca, have a Master’s Degree in Health Manager and a PhD in Health Sciences.
I also had the chance to have several training courses (psychotherapist in positive psychotherapy, autogenous training course in psychotherapy, basic training in good clinical practice for clinical research professionals. Competence in emergency medicine).
At present I work as a medical director of the “Dr. Gh. Preda” Psychiatric Hospital Sibiu,
and I am also an active person in the medical team. I am as well an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Medicine.
Dragoş-Cristian Bogdan
Dragoș-Cristian Bogdan (născut în 1990) este kinetoterapeut, în prezent masterand la programul de master ʺKinetoterapia în afecțiunile locomotoriiʺ, Universitatea “Spiru Haret”, Bucureşti (FB: dragos bogdan kinetoterapeut/physical therapy).
Competenţe şi expertiză: kinetoterapie│kinesio taping│bioclimatologie│cercetare interdisciplinară kinetoterapie-medicină-arhitectură│fitness│
Este dublu licenţiat în Geografie (2014), Facultatea de Geografie, Universitatea Bucureşti şi în Kinetoterapie şi Motricitate Specială (2016), Facultatea de Educaţie Fizică şi Sport, Universitatea “Spiru Haret”, Bucureşti. Are experiență clinică de aproape 2 ani, practicând kinetoterapia la Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu” pe secţiile de Ortopedie-Traumatologie, Chirurgie Generală, Chirurgie Plastică şi ATI. Din 2017, Dragoş-Cristian Bogdan se remarcă prin mai multe participări în calitate de Lector, autor şi coautor la cercetări prezentate la conferinţe cu teme medicale şi cu spectru interdisciplinar cu arhitectura printre care remarcabile sunt: Conferința Regională Medicul de Familie Practician și Manager (2017), Congresul Naţional de Geriatrie şi Gerontologie (2017), REMEMBER ME! (2017), Energia şi mediul în context contemporan (2017).
I am currently Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer - Centre for Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London and Independent Expert of the European Commission, Brussels.
Regarding my clinical experience, since 2017 I worked as a Locum Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry at prestigious NHS Trusts in London. I also completed a postdoctoral fellowship
- “Programme of Excellency in doctoral and postdoctoral multidisciplinary research in chronic diseases” POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133377, a PhD under joint supervision with New York University School of Medicine and an Intercalated BSc Honours in Neuroscience at University College London, being awarded the Health Foundation Intercalated BSc Award.
I am currently Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer - Centre for Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London and Independent Expert of the European Commission, Brussels.
Regarding my clinical experience, since 2017 I worked as a Locum Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry at prestigious NHS Trusts in London. I also completed a postdoctoral fellowship
- “Programme of Excellency in doctoral and postdoctoral multidisciplinary research in chronic diseases” POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133377, a PhD under joint supervision with New York University School of Medicine and an Intercalated BSc Honours in Neuroscience at University College London, being awarded the Health Foundation Intercalated BSc Award.
Roxana Octavia Cărare qualified in Medicine in Bucharest in 1994. During her basic clinical training, she became fascinated by anatomy and completed her PhD in experimental neuropathology in 2006, in the University of Southampton, UK. She was appointed lecturer in 2001, associate professor in 2014 and professor of clinical neuroanatomy in 2016.
The main international recognition for Roxana Carare has come from the interdisciplinary research she leads, investigating the cause of Alzheimer's disease and suggesting therapeutic strategies. Roxana is a member of the MRC Dementia Platform UK Vascular Experimental Medicine committee and the UK government advisory committee for the effects of pollution on the brain. The Carare team has won prestigious awards, including a Dementia Research Leader award from Alzheimer’s Society UK.
Roxana has enjoyed teaching anatomy for 20 years, with a passion for neuroanatomy. Roxana chairs the committee for equality, diversity, intersectionality and inclusivity in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton and is Co-Chair for The Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers in Alzheimer’s Association.
Adela-Magdalena Ciobanu is a primary physician, Phd in medical sciences, Associate Professor at “Carol Davila” UMF in Bucharest, Department and Head of 1ST Clinical Department of Psychiatry at Prof. Dr. “Alexandru Obregia” hospital, ex medical director at the same hospital. She was Research Project Manager, member of multiple research teams in national and international projects. Founding member and ex vice-president of the Romanian Society of Biological Psychiatry and of the Association of Free Psychiatrist of Romania.
Honorifical member of APLR, active member of the Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. She was member of the board of scientific and professional international structures, expert of evaluation of guides and procedures within currently active project through National Mental Health center and drug-use fighting: “Development of professional abilities for the medical personell involved in screening of affective disorders and prevention of suicidal behaviour”.
International awards: “The best poster award” by the World Wide Association of Psyhiatry for the poster named “Value of Depression, Remission and Diabetes Control and Quality of Life” at WPA 2013 Bucharest Congress, “Primary Care, Mental Health and Public Health Integration: The Catalytic Role of Information and Communication Technology.
National distinctions: “Constantin Radulescu - Motru” prize on behalf of the Romanian Academy for the paper: Depression Disorder, volume I, 2015, and also an award within Research Results Awarding - Articles - 2016 Competition. Ministry of National Education and Research - Human Resources Department - prize for the article entitled “Electropolymerized molecular imprinting on glassy carbon electrode for voltammetric detection of dopamine in biological samples“.
Ileana Ciobanu, Cercetător în Proiectul Sense-Garden, Master în Neurobiologie, Doctor în Științe Medicale cu teza: ”Sistem mecatronic complex de reabilitarea mersului la pacienții cu afecțiuni neurologice dizabilitate”.
A participat la numeroase evenimente științifice naționale și internaționale în domeniile medicină de reabilitare, robotică, arhitectură. Membru activ în echipa multidisciplinară de cercetare a unor proiecte internaționale și naționale (Is-Active AAL, RELIVE PN II, B&M-Vibe).
Este autor a mai mult de 20 de lucrări științifice publicate în reviste ISI și în alte BDI.
Rozeta Drăghici is Scientific Researcher II - Senior Psychologist, Doctor in Psychology.
Since 1995 she has been working to “Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics Bucharest. She is an assistant professor at the University of Bucharest - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Master’s Programmes. She has participated with more than 100 communications at international and national scientific events, she has published 25 articles and 5 chapters within the field of GerontoPsychology and Clinical Psychology.
Dr. Drăghici was active member of the multidisciplinary research team in 16 national and international research projects such as SYST-EUR, AXONYX, GINK-COG, AMARANTH, SENSE-GARDEN (AAL - Virtual and memory adaptable spaces creating stimuli for the senses in aging people with dementia SENSE-GARDEN), vINCI (AAL - Clinically-validated Integrated Support for Assistive Care and Lifestyle Improvement: the Human Link).
She is member of 11 national and international professional associations, also the president of the Romanian Association of Clinical Psychology. She is executive editor of Romanian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics. She was the Romanian representative and active member of Standing Committee of Geropsychology of European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations 2013-2015, 2015-2017.
Main interests: gerontopsychology, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, social gerontology.
Born and raised in Roşiori de Vede, a quiet town in the south of the country. I graduated from the Economic Administrative High School. After graduation, I attended the Fundeni Postliceal Health School in Bucharest, starting my work as a nurse at the Department of Neurology at the Central Military Emergency University Hospital "Dr. Carol Davila ". In parallel, I attended the courses of the Faculty of Psychology, fascinated by the world of those studying the human soul. Freud, Nietzsche, Jung, and many others have made me want to become a psychologist, which has happened, and that is happening today, which actually continues, because there is nowhere a barrier to stop you and tells you that you know everything. It was the time I discovered Carl Rogers, my initiation as a psychotherapist in the specialty called "Person-centered therapy".
Four years of wonderful experiences, fascinating discoveries of what "me" and "being" mean. After completing the years of training, I continued to read and learn, so I attended a master's degree "Clinical psychology and psychological counseling". And the adventure continues ...
In the last seven years, my professional activity as a clinical psychologist is being carried out within the "Academician Nicolae Cajal" Elderly Home, a place for people with wonderful people next to me, willing to make every effort to give to those hosted here warmth, love and security. What we strive to do best.
Dan Adrian Gădălean was born in Dej and graduated from high school in the Mining Petroleum Geology Department, specializing in Topography (1990), field in which he worked before joining the army.
He has a bachelor degree both in Social Work and Theology, acquired from “Babeş-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca (2002) and a master’s degree in Christian Archeology (2004).
In 2016 he successfully defended his thesis and got a PhD in Sociology.
In 2009 he founded the Cluj-Napoca branch of the Romanian Alzheimer Society.
He has worked in a multidisciplinary community, within a mental health team.
In his role of social worker, he worked with clients, their families and caregivers, providing support, counseling, information and referrals, including people who had mental health issues.
In previous roles, his duties consisted in providing social support to clients, in the form of both one-on-one counseling sessions and group therapy; advising family, caregivers; and consulting with doctors, medical professionals and therapists.
As Co-led coordinator of a support group his main activities included: recruiting participants, organizing activities, moderating the weekly activities with participants and designing the thematic meetings.
Ana Giurgiuca is currently working as a psychiatrist at the "Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia" Clinical Hospital, also being a member of the faculty in the Psychiatry Department of "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania.
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Catalina Tudose, she has been part of The Romanian Alzheimer Society since the beginning of her psychiatric residency, being an active member of the organising committee of the annual Romanian Alzheimer Conference and taking part in numerous clinical activities and research programmes developed by the Memory Centre in "Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia" Clinical Hospital.
In addition to her on-going interests in old age psychiatry, Ana Giurgiuca is Secretary General of the Romanian Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Association, Junior Editor and Chief of Journal and member of the Ministry of Health psychiatry commission.
Medic primar Geriatrie - Gerontologie, Rezident Psihiatrie și Doctor în științe medicale, Clinica de Geriatrie, Gerontologie și Psihogeriatrie, Spitalul Clinic de Urgență Elias, secția exterioară Otopeni. Dr. Ioancio a dobândit competențe în Ecografie generală, Managementul serviciilor medicale, Diagnosticul și tratamentul Bolii Alzheimer. Ca si investigator principal, s-a implicat în numeroase proiecte cu finanțare europeană conduse de European’s Disease Consortium (ICTUS, DESCRIPA, EADC) și Alzheimer’s Europe și studii clinice pentru companiile farmaceutice Lundbeck, Novartis, Johnson&Johnson. Actualmente este Șef de Lucrări în cadrul Catedrei de Geriatrie și Gerontologie a UMF “Carol Davila” București.
Caritas Alba-Iulia As. Căminul de bătrâni Sf. Elisabeta, Gheorgheni
2014-2018: PhD Studiu Doctorat-Sociologie-Cercetare Interdisciplinară, Școala Doctorat ELTE, Budapesta
2010-2011: Formator-COR 241205-Ministerul Muncii, Familiei şi Protecţiei Sociale Harghita
2008-2010: Autocunoaştere, Psichodramă 150 ore, Asociaţia J. Moreno Cluj Napoca. Conducător Dr. Albert Lőrincz Enikő.
2007-2008: Cursul de iniţiere în supervizare şi mentorat în domeniul asistenţei sociale, 150 ore, Caritas Linz-Austria
2007-2008: Masterat-Specialist în Igiena Mentală, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială, Cluj-Napoca
2006: Atestat de limbă germană B2-C1,Centrul Alpha, Cluj-Napoca
2006: Curs de formare specifică pentru profesionişti din serviciile pentru femei-victime ale violenţei domestice, Artemis Cluj-Napoca
2002-2007: Asistent social, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială, Cluj-Napoca
1999-2002: Bacalaureat la Filologie, Gimnaziul „Salamon Ernő”, Gheorgheni
2001-2002: Curs de perfecționare Infirmieră, Ministerul Sănătăţii şi Familiei Centrul Naţional de Perfecţionare Postuniversitară a Medicilor, Farmaciştilor altui personal cu studii superioare şi asistenţilor medicali, București
2000-Atestat în limba Germană, B2 Goethe Institut România/Miercurea-Ciuc Asociația Soros
1997-Curs de perfecționare, Hospitz-Palliativa, Formatori Dr. Hegedüs Katalin,Tegzes Katalin, Organizator: Caritas Linz Austria-Asociatia Hospitze Ungaria
1995-1996-Curs de perfecţionare a îngrijirii bătrânilor, Caritas Linz-Caritas Alba- Iulia din România
Conference presentations on the subject
1. Dementia and family. The role of burden on caring families in initiating residential care for the elderly, ELTE TáTK, Scoala de Doctorat Sociologie, Interdiszciplináris Társadalomkutatások Doktori Program, Évzáró Konferencia, Szarvas, 2017
2. The Factors of Family Caregiver’s decision to strive for institutional placement of the care recipient/ Kiss Gabriella MSW, Social Worker, Mental Health Care PhD student, Eötvös Lorand University, Faculty of Social Sciences, PhD programme in Interdisciplinary Studies 31st International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, April 21-24, 2016, Budapest.
3. Preventing the elderly from being marginalized, Conferinta la Universitatea Debrecen, Facultatea Sanitara si Gerontologia, Nyiregyhaza, 2016
4. The importance of changing family roles in assisting work/ Impreuna cu persoanle de dizabilitati X. Conferinta, Casa Pedagogilor Apáczai Csere János Miercurea-Ciuc, 2016,
5. Helping ourselves in assisting work, Impreuna cu persoanle de dizabilitati IX. Conferinta/ Casa Pedagogilor Apáczai Csere János, Miercurea-Ciuc, 2014.
6. Challenges of working with patients with dementia, Conferinta, Caritas Alba- Iulia Tg. Mures 2014.
7. The psychology of old age, Caritas Alba-Iulia, Gheorgheni, 2014.
8. The safety of the elderly-Conferinta Internationala Kecskemét, Ungaria 2013
9. Impact of the quality of life of people working in elderly care on the quality of work, Caritas Alba- Iulia, Gheorgheni, 2013.
10. Everyday life with a person with dementia, Caritas Alba- Iulia Scoala Caritas, Gheorgheni, 2013.
11. Maintaining the spiritual health of helpers - What can offer us strength? Conferinta Igiena mental UBB Cluj-Napoca / Gheorgheni, 2013.
12. A mentally declined elder in the family! What can I do? Conferinta Igiena Mentala, UBB Cluj-Napoca / Gheorgheni, 2012.
13. Empathic communication with Alzheimer's patients, Conferinta Igiena Mentala UBB Cluj-Napoca / Gheorgheni, 2011.
14. Person-oriented care for patients with dementia, Universitatea Szent István, Gödöllő, 2010.
I am a research assistant and member of the Ageing and Dementia Research Centre at Bournemouth University, where I have supported psychology research ranging from the use of eye tracking technology in psychological disorders, to the creation of guidelines for dementia-friendly environments. My current projects include an Erasmus-funded project using creative drama in dementia care and using assistive technology to promote autonomy for people with dementia. My journey in psychology began at Bournemouth Univeristy where I completed a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Clinical and Developmental Psychology. I was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Fusion Award in recognition of my achievements across the fields of research, education and professional practice. However, my interest in dementia specifically started when working as an assistant psychologist, and as a health care assistant in the community and in nursing homes.
Cristina Maier, MD
“Medinst Diagnostic Româno-German” Clinic, Bucharest
Medical specialist in Radiology and Medical Imaging, with competences of General Ultrasound, Imaging by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (2010) and Computed Tomography (2009), activates since 2010 within the “Medinst Diagnostic Romano-German” Clinic, specialised in neurological and neurosurgical pathology, with a broad spectrum of patients within the scope of neuropsychiatry, but also of orthopaedics, oncology and other medical and surgical specialities.
Various courses of specialisations in Romania and abroad:
2017 - Erasmus – Musculoskeletal Imaging the Comprehensive Course – Hieraklion, Crete
2014 - Erasmus - Central Nervous System II - Bucharest
2012 - Advanced MR Imaging of the Abdomen - ESMRMB School of MRI - Ankara, Turkey
2010 - Erasmus - Central Nervous System I - Leuven, Belgium
2008 - CT Neuro Hands-on workshop - Siemens - ECR 2008
2008 - Neuroangography Hands-on workshop - Siemens - ECR 2008
2008 - Applied MR Techniques, Basic Course - ESMRMB School of MRI - Basel, Switzerland
2008 - Advanced Neuroimaging: Diffusion, Perfusion, Spectroscopy - ESMRMB School of MRI - Bern, Switzerland
2008 - Advanced Breast and Pelvis MR Imaging - ESMRMB School of MRI - Brussels, Belgium,
2008 - Advanced MR Imaging in Paediatric Radiology - ESMRMB School of MRI - Brussels, Belgium
Participations in national and international congresses:
2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012 - Alzheimer - Bucharest
2017, 2016,2012, 2011 - Stroke - Bucharest
2011 - Congress of Romanian Society of Radiology - Cluj
2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 - European Congress of Radiology – Vienna
Andreea Marin
Andreea Marin - Clinical Psychologist specialized in aphasic language disorders rehabilitation.
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences achieved at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Carol Davila” from Bucharest, with the thesis: ”Cognitive Optimization for Quality of Life Improvement in People with and without Post Stroke Aphasia”. Active member of the multidisciplinary research team in a number of national and international research projects (RELIVE PN II, Sense-Garden AAL, etc) and author of several scientific papers published in ISI and other IDB journals.
She is member of professional associations: The Romanian Association of Clinical Psychology, The Romanian Association for Aphasia and The College of Psychologists from Romania. Main interests: aphasia, neurocognitive rehabilitation.
Cerasela Maria Măciucă
Cu o experiență de 25 de ani în management și 17 ani în asistența socială, o pot considera o activitate bazată pe regulamente și proceduri. Deviza dupa care m-am ghidat în această viață a fost și rămâne “respect și disciplină!”
Din anul 2016 sunt Președintele A.D.I.V. România (Asociația Directorilor Instituțiilor pentru Vârstnici), unde cu voință și profesionalism caut cele mai bune soluții la problemele și cerințele societății noastre în ceea ce privește persoana vârstnică.
Manageriez Căminul pentru persoane vârstnice al Municipiului București, “Acad. Nicolae Cajal” încă de la înființarea acestuia, și anume din anul 2012, cu multă responsabilitate, demnitate și umanitate, acesta ajungând în topul căminelor de stat din București.
Menționez ca nu putem face asistență socială după norme matematice. Asistența socială se face după normele umane. Asta-i marea problemă: de resursă umană. Nu e ușor să te lupți cu sistemul dar, când îți faci meseria din dorință și iubire pentru oameni, reușești să găsești soluții și să răzbați.
Louise McCabe
My career in the dementia field started through my work as a care worker in residential care homes for people with dementia in Scotland in 1996. I went on from there to join the dementia research team at the University of Stirling in 2000 and have remained as an academic member of staff within the Faculty of Social Sciences since then. I have a background in natural sciences and psychology and currently work mainly with the disciplines of gerontology and dementia studies.
My research interests focus on improving the lives of people with dementia and their carers through research that engages directly with individuals. To date my work has included research on social policy and services for people with dementia; policy and service issues for people with alcohol related dementia; comparative studies of day services; the impact of physical activity, the use of assistive technology and the experiences of frontline health and social care staff. My core interests are about culture and lifestyle; exploring how different factors influence individual experiences of dementia. I have broad skills in social research with a specialist interest in user-participation in research utilising qualitative approaches.
As senior lecturer within the Faculty Social Sciences I take a leading role in teaching within the faculty. The Dementia Studies teaching team provides a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We teach health and social work professionals from all over the world, developing their specialist knowledge about dementia and dementia care.
Mircea Medrea, MD
Dr. Mircea Medrea graduated from the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, doing his residency at the Rambam University Hospital, Israel within the Radiology Department.
Between 1985-2006, he took various specialized courses and training on CT, MRI angiography and radiotherapy in Germany (Bochum University, Röntgen Institute Unna, Academy for Medical Specializations, Westfalen-Lippe), in UK (University of Cambridge), Italy and Romania.
Dr. Mircea Medrea gained trainer recognition in CT and MRI in 1995 in Stuttgart, Germany and in 2007 in Romania, constantly taking part in the training of the neurology residents from the National Institute of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases in cerebrospinal imaging interpretation.
He supervised and collaborated to various scientific papers in the field and also lectured in many congresses, conferences and seminars throughout the years.
Dr. Mircea Medrea is currently the Medical Manager of MEDINST Institute of Diagnostic Imaging in association with the National Institute of Neurology and Neurovascular Diseases, Bucharest.
Maria Moglan
Vice-President of the Romanian Alzheimer Society
Mrs. Maria Moglan studied Geology and Psychology in Bucharest and holds a MA in Marketing and Communication, and Clinical Psychology and Therapeutic Interventions.
She has joined Romanian Alzheimer Society team in 2009 as Executive Director.
She is also the Secretary of the Romanian Alzheimer Conference since 2011.
Mrs. Moglan is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist and she finshed her PhD studies in Neurocognitives Disorders.
Her specific interest is in neuropsychology and cognitive stimulation.
Mrs. Moglan presented scientific papers at Alzheimer Europe Conferences in Warsaw (2011), Vienna (2012), Glasgow (2014), Copenhagen (2016), Berlin (2017) and at ADI Conference in London (2012), Budapest (2016), Kyoto (2017), also at the 5th Congress of the Association of Teachers in General Practice / Family Medicine (DNOOM) held in Zagreb (2015).
Doina Carmen Mazilu
Assistant Professor at The ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, The Faculty of Midwives and Medical Assistants, Bucharest; Director of The Romanian Centre for Evidence Based Nursing. A Joanna Briggs Institute Centre of Excellence; President of The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania, Bucharest Branch; Vice-President of The Order of Nurses, Midwives and Medical Assistants in Romania. Her clinical background is nursing and she has got more than 20 years of work experience in ICU settings, in different Bucharest hospitals, out of which more than 10 years in leading positions.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations and European Studies. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Public Health and a Master’s Degree in Medical Law. She is a PhD candidate in Medicine, in the field of Social Medicine at The "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy. She took training courses in communication management, conflict management, project management, leadership, quality management, quality audit, human resources, to name a few. Her interests are in the areas of: evidence-based practice, evidence-based health care, systematic reviews, evidence synthesis, knowledge transfer, evidence utilisation and nursing research.
Adriana-Sarah Nica
Current position
- Professor in Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Balneoclimatology at the University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
- Head of Rehabilitation Department - University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
- PhD
- Chief of University Rehabilitation Department III – National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology
- European Board certified in PRM
- Senior consultant in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- EFIC Councilor (Romania)
- Vice president of Romanian Society of Rehabilitation
- Specialist in Sports Medicine
Medical Career
1978 – MD at the Faculty of Medicine – University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
1982 – University assistant and resident doctor – Balneoclimatology, Sport Medicine and Physical Medicine – University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
1985 – Specialist in Balneoclimatology, Sport Medicine and Physical Medicine – University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, confirmed by the Ministery of Health of Romania
1992 – Lecturer – Balneoclimatology, Sport Medicine and Physical Medicine – University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
1997 – PhD at the University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
1998 – Ass. Professor of Balneoclimatology, Sport Medicine and Physical Medicine – University of Medicine “Carol Davila”, Bucharest
2002 – 2004 – Medical Director of National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine, Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, Romania
2003 – Professor of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology
Post-graduated training and fields of interest in scientific research
1. Lecturer of the European Pain Federation during EFIC Klagenfurt Pain School from September 2014
2. Speaker at the Neuro-Rehabilitation School of SSNN-from 2012
3. International Symposium ,, Shockwave therapy”
4. ICF Workshop –Oct. 2011, Notvill, Switzerland
5. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course, October 10-12, 2008, Bucharest
6. Project “Postgraduate Training in Romania; Competence in Public Health Administration and Management”, Bucharest, 22.06.2007
7. “4th Symposium - Discussion Platform for Pain, Surgery and Rehabilitation Aspects”, Bodrum, Turkey, 30.04-3.05.2007
8. “ISCD Bone Densitometry Course & Workshop”, Bucharest, March 1-3, 2007
9. “Project Management in Clinical Research”, Wien, February 19-21, 2007
10. “Introduction to Good Clinical Practice”, Wien, December 12-13, 2006
11. “ EMG Course”, “UMF Carol Davila”, Bucharest, 2006
12. “Research in Robotics Technology and Virtual Reality Applyed in Physiotherapy”, Bucharest, October 3, 2006
13. “Hospital Management”, Bucharest, September 18.- November 17, 2006
14. The Second International Course for Hand Surgery and Hand Therapy”, Cluj-Napoca, September 22-24, 2006
15. “35th Congress of the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology”, Istanbul Turkey, June 6-10, 2006
16. External Auditory Course - Sistem of Quality Management SR EN ISO 9001/2001, SR EN ISO 19011/2003”, Bucharest – SIMTEX, february 6-10 2006
17. Future Perspectives of Thermalism an its Legislation in Europe and in Different Geographical Areas”, 9th World Days of Thermalism - 39th International SITH Congress - the Quality Systems, Levico Terme, 14-16.10.2005
18. “The First International Course for Hand Surgery and Hand Therapy”, Cluj-Napoca, September 23-25 , 2005
19. “Seminar on pathology of the Hand”, organised by UEMS SOROT si EFFORT, Cheile Gradistei, September 8-10, 2005
20. ”Internal Auditory Course - Sistem of Quality Management SR EN ISO 9001/2001, SR EN ISO 19011/2003”, Bucharest – SIMTEX, August 10-12, 2005
21. Standards SR EN ISO 9001/2001”, seminary, Bucharest – SIMTEX, August 9, 2005
22. “Electrostimulation of the innervated and denervated skeletal muscle”, during the 14th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine, Wien, Austria, May 12-15, 2004
23. ”Management of Educational Project”, Ministry of Health– CNPPMFA, June 9-13, 2003
24. “Training Trainers and Evaluators for Testing and Checking Laboratories”, 16-20 June 2003 – Certificate of Training RENAR25. ERASMUS Program – “Actualities in Biomecanic and Gate Analysis”, European School Marseille, France, June 1-11 2003
26. “4th Congress of Hand Surgery”, “5th National Congress of Reconstructive Micro Surgery”, 15-16.10.2002, Bucharest
27. “International Workshop for Hand Rehabilitation”, Bucharest, 15-16 .10.2002
28. “Course of General Echography”, Competence in Ecography, UMF Carol Davila, June 28, 2002, Bucuresti
29. “Course for Training Trainers” – Diploma of Instructor Trainer in Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology , Ministry of Health, May 2002
30. “5th ESRA WORKSHOP “NEURAL BLOCKADES ON CADAVERS” – Institute of Anatomy, University of Innsbruck / Austria, February 21-23, 2002
31. ,, Electromyography Testing, Evoked Potentials and EEG”, UMF ,,Carol Davila”, March 6-31, 2001
32. Competence in Pain Therapy”- National Institute for Traing of Pyisicians and Pharmacists, 4.12.2001
33. ,,Paliative Medicine – An Compulsory Part of Today’s Medicine” -International Course of Romanian Society of Paliative Medicine and Tanatology”, Sinaia, oct 28-30, 1999
34. Building a Strong Foundation in Medical Rehabilitation, May 31–June 2, 1999, CARF – The Rehab. Accreditation Commission LUND, Sweden
35. Competence in Biostimulation of Laser Therapy
36. Competence in Pain Therapy
37. « Reeducation Fonctionelle » Postgraduate training in Rehab, December 1991 – March 1992, Secretariat d’Etat Aux Handicapes et Accidentes de la Vie, Nancy, France
38. “New Priorities for Health Care”– Management in Heath Sciences, Salzburg, June 199139. “Homeopathy” (1986-1988), “Acupuncture” (1983)
Scientific activity
Author of 4 books
Chapters in published books - 9 chapters
Author or coauthor of more than 200 papers published in national and international issues
Research: project manager in 6 national projects, partner in 1 international project
Keynote speaker in international congresses and conferences: Verona (1995), Florence (2008), Bucharest (2007, 2008)
Delegate of ISPRM WRD Committee for ICF, 2011
Organiser of Scientific events
1. Monthly medical meetings of Department Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine, Balneoclimatology, Bucharest, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” and Romanian society of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine, Balneoclimatology, 2000-2012
2. ARSD Yearly National Symposia (Calimanesti 1996, Medias 1998, Sinaia 2000, Bucuresti 2002, Bucuresti 2004, Bucuresti 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010)3. Organising of International Course on ,,Pain Management” 2001, IASP –ARSD
4. Organising “Training of trainers in Rehabilitation” in partnership with National Centre for Training in Medicine and Health Sciences, 2001 Bucuresti
5. Organising “Project management” Courses in partnership with Romanian Physicians College, 2003
6. Organising interdisciplinary symposia in connection with “Family Medicine – Rehabilitation” (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001); Orthopaedics – Rehabilitation (1999, 2000, 2006), Geriatrics – Rehabilitation (1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007).
7. Organising CEEPA Symposion, Praga, March 9-12, 2006
8. Organising Courses of “Project Management and Bioethics Issues in Research” in partnership with faculty of Medicine Oradea February 29- March 2,2008
- Romanian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ISPRM (International Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (Board member since 2010)
- Romanian Association for the Study of Pain (Past President)
- Romanian Rheumatological Association
- Romanian Association for Osteoporosis
- Romanian Association for Laser
- Romanian Association for Psycho-neuro-endocrinology
- Romanian Association of Geriatry
- I.A.S.P.
- Fellow of Seminar Salzburg Society- EFIC Councilor for Romania
- Romanian Termography Medical Association (President)
- Member of the PRM Commission in the Ministry of Health
Anca Cristina Niculăiță
- medic primar psihiatru
- experiență în: diagnosticul și tratamentul tulburărilor psihice ale vârstnicului, îngrijirea pacieților instituționalizați pentru deteriorare neurocognitivă, trialuri clinice în domeniul tulburărilor de memori
Mihaela Onu
Olimpia Păun
Dr. Olimpia Paun started working at Rush University Medical Center as a gero-psychiatric nurse in 1992. In 2002 she joined the faculty in the College of Nursing and is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Community, Systems and Mental Health Nursing and newly appointed Nurses Alumni Association Chair in Health and Aging Process. She has received her BSN from the University of Oklahoma (1990) and MSN and PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago (1994 and 2000 respectively). Between 2004 and 2006 she has completed post-doctoral studies through a John A. Hartford Foundation, Claire M. Fagin Fellowship.
Her area of clinical expertise is advanced practice psychiatric nursing with a focus on geriatric populations. As a researcher, she is focusing on interventions for family caregivers who placed relatives diagnosed with dementia in long-term care facilities. In past years she has received funding from local (Rush University) and regional (Midwest Nursing Research Society) sources to investigate dementia caregivers’ mental and physical health needs. In 2008 she received federal funding (National Institute of Nursing Research [NINR]) to pilot- test a group-based intervention she had created to address caregivers’ chronic grief after placing their relatives in long-term care. In the fall of 2018, Dr. Paun received new federal funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) the test the on-line delivery of the Chronic Grief Management Intervention in a clinical trial.
Dr. Paun's research findings are published in nursing and non-nursing journals.
Prof. Bogdan Ovidiu Popescu, MD, PhD
Head of Department of Neurology, Colentina Clinical Hospital, School of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine, Bucharest, Romania
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, “Victor Babeş” National Institute of Pathology
Bogdan O. Popescu graduated the School of Medicine at “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, in 1996. From 1997 to 2012, he worked as neurologist and Assistant Professor at the University Hospital Bucharest.
Since 2015 he is full Professor of Neurology at “Carol Davila” University, School of Medicine, at “Colentina” Clinical Hospital and President of the Scientific Council at “Victor Babeş” National Institute of Pathology in Bucharest.
He graduated two PhDs, in Bucharest, in 2001, and in Stockholm, Sweden (Karolinska Institute) in 2004, with theses regarding apoptosis and cell signaling in neurodegeneration, respectively.
His scientific contribution refers mainly to mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s).
Bogdan O. Popescu authored over 50 papers in ISI high impact factor journals, being cited more than 1200 times in ISI indexed publications and having a Hirsch index of 19.
He is member of EAN, MDS, Romanian Society of Neurology, Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity and National Society of Neuroscience.
Bogdan O. Popescu was honored with the “Victor Babeș” award for medical research by the Romanian Academy in 2007. During 2001-2013 period he served as General Secretary of the Romanian Society of Neurology. He is the Editor in Chief of the Romanian Journal of Neurology since 2016 (former Executive Editor for 2001-2016).
He is the President of Romanian Society of Neurology, starting with 2017.
Gabriel-Ioan Prada, MD, PhD
Chair of Geriatrics and Gerontology
"Ana Aslan" National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bucharest, Romania
Gabriel-Ioan Prada, MD, PhD, graduated medical school at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania in 1984 and after two years of internship at "Fundeni" Clinical Hospital in Bucharest, started his activity as a junior scientist at "Ana Aslan" National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Bucharest since 1986. Currently he is senior specialist in Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology and also in Internal Medicine.
Dr. Prada has a Diploma in Gerontology at International Institute on Ageing - United Nations and a Master of Science Degree in the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Geriatric Medicine, "Victoria" University of Manchester, United Kingdom under the supervision of Prof.Raymond Tallis, editor of Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. Dr.Prada also has a PhD degree in medical sciences at "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest. Currently, Dr.Prada is head of Clinical Department 4 at "Ana Aslan" National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics and also Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology, head of the Chair of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Department 5, Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.
He is author of 14 books and book-chapters, national and international editions, and over 350 papers published or presented at national and international scientific meetings.
Dr. Prada has been involved in several international and national research projects, including HYVET (Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial), PREDICT (Increasing the PaRticipation of the ElDerly in Clinical Trials), ERA-AGE 2 (European Research Area in Ageing) and FUTURAGE - A Roadmap for Ageing. He is also full member of the Boards of UEMS-Geriatric Medicine Section (European Union of Medical Specialists), EUGMS (European Union of Geriatric Medicine Societies), IAGG (International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics) and IAGG-ER Clinical Section.
Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihaela Roco, MD, PhD
Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Psihologie și Știintele Educației, Departamentul de Psihologie
Inițiator al unor cercetări în Psihologia Creativității (individuală și de grup teste, programe de stimulare), Psihologia religiei (stadiile universale ale gândirii religioase, motivația și atitudinile religioase - metode și tehnici de evaluare și măsurare), Inteligența emoțională, competențe emoționale) 5 cărți - individuale, 29 capitole în cărți, 62 articole științifice, 169 comunicări științifice naționale și internaționale. Premiul Academiei Române. Visiting professor în USA, Belgia, Franța.
Membru în asociații internaționale de psihologie. Conducător de doctorat, Coordonator lucrări de licență și disertații la master, Coordonator lucrări de gradul I.
Elena Alina Roșca
Elena-Alina Roșca is currently working as a psychiatrist at the "Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia" Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, she is also an Assistant Professor within the Psychiatry Department of the "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. As of 2013 she completed her Ph.D. in medical sciences, entitled “Characteristics of quality of life in schizophrenia”.
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Cătălina Tudose, she has been part of various studies on Alzheimer’s Dementia, and other clinical and research activities developed by the Memory Centre in the "Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia" Clinical Psychiatric Hospital.
In the context of these particular interests related to neurocognitive pathology among the elderly, she participated in a workshop organized by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (Junior Alzheimer’s Club, 2013).
Moreover, Dr. Roșca is also interested in developing strategies related to improving quality of life among those who suffer from psychiatric disabilities.
Mihaela Șchiopu
Mihaela Șchiopu este dublu licenţiată în arhitectură şi arte plastice, este conferenţiar doctor arhitect la catedra de Studiul Formei (Universitatea de Arhitectură şi Urbanism “Ion Mincu”).
Este autor a peste 18 expoziţii personale în ţară şi în străinătate. A absolvit masterul PEU în psihologie (Psihodiagnoză, Psihoterapie experienţială unificatoare şi Dezvoltare Personală la Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Universitatea din Bucureşti). Lucrează ca art terapeut cu copii diagnosticaţi cu cancer în cadrul organizaţiei Sfântul Laurenţiu. Colaborează ca psihoterapeut formator cu Institutului SPER (Societatea de Psihoterapie Experienţială Română).
Competenţe: art terapie cu persoanele infectate cu virusul HIV, cu bolnavi cronici şi pacienţi cu cancer (copii, adolescenţi şi adulţi), experienţă de peste 10 ani în lucrul cu grupuri de dezvoltare personală prin arte expresive. Mihaela Şchiopu este membru al Uniunii Artiştilor Plastici din România, membru de onoare a UNOPA (Uniunea Naţională a Persoanelor afectate de virusul HIV) şi membru fondator al asociaţiei nonguvernamentale TOTORRO.
Raluca Sfetcu, MA(HRMgt), PhD
Raluca Sfetcu, MA(HRMgt), PhD, is interested in health services research with a main focus on identifying ways of supporting the development of balanced services in low resources settings.
Research experience include: conducting research at the National School of Public Health Management and Health Education, in the framework of FP7 funded project (CEPHOS-LINK); conducting research on systems’ financing and the impact of resource allocation on systems’ performance in the framework of the EC funded REFINEMENT at the Romanian Academy’s Institute of Economic Prognosis; working for the National Centre for Mental Health; assisting for an EU funded twining project with the main focus on reforming the mental health system in Romania.
Currently, she is teaching in the Department of Psychology and educational sciences at Spiru Haret University in Bucharest and is conducting research for the Romanian Alzheimer Society in the Framework of SUCCESS, an AAL project co-funded by the EC.
Luiza Spiru
Official positions
Ø Professor of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Old Age Psychiatry since 2013; Chair of the Department within UMF “Carol Davila” since 2004
Ø Head of the University Department of Geriatrics within “Elias” Clinic Hospital since 2003
Ø President of the Ana Aslan International Foundation ( since 2000
Qualifications, competencies, expertise
Ø Acquired three specializations: internal medicine (1994), geriatrics-gerontology (1998) and old age psychiatry (2003); certified in Health Care Management (2003)
Ø My professional expertise covers multiple and diverse competencies, from molecular medicine and neuro-psycho-pharmacology, through the up-to-date diagnostic techniques & treatment methods of memory diseases, towards integrating innovative IT&C solutions for the senior patients
Ø I also perform managerial, academic, editorial and research activities - by coordinating EU funded R&D projects, acting as principal investigator in clinical trials, editing the Brain Aging International Journal and organizing scientific educational events in the field of Brain Aging
Main Achievements
Ø Created and implemented the curricula of Geriatrics and Gerontology in the University Medical Program as a new, officially recognized, 5-year specialty in Romania (in 2001)
Ø Coordinated the creation of a new Curricula and Syllabus in Brain aging and delivered training courses for more than 3,500 specialists and nurses between 2010-2013
Ø Authored 3 treatises on Geriatric medicine, 6 guides on the diagnosis and treatment of AD and other dementias, over 150 published articles in international journals and books of proceedings.
Ø Coordinated more than 20 EU funded research projects - from 1996 to date.
Memberships, appointments, accreditations
Ø Appointed EU Commission Expert as evaluator & rapporteur for the project applications under EU calls - FP6, FP7, AAL and Horizon 2020.
Ø Accredited by the EADC ( as an international expert in cognitive impairment and dementia diagnosis and treatment.
Ø National Representative of the EPMA ( since 2010.
Vlad Thiery
Vlad Thiery is architect, lecturer PhD at the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest. Between 2008 and 2014 he participated as tutor at the Erasmus workshops LOCUS, LOTUS, Empathy and Landscape Accessibility regarding accessibility in built environment. He had lectures and published articles on the subject of accessibility and Universal Design.
Daciana Toma
Sunt medic primar de medicină de familie, în Bucuresti, secretar al SNMF și al AMFB. Din 2015 sunt coordonator al grupului de lucru de diabet, nutriție si boli metabolice al SNMF.
Preocuparea față de diabet a început în 2002, o dată cu intrarea în grupul care a redactat ghidul “ Managementul DZ tip 2 la adult în practica MF” (CNSMF). Pe parcursul celor 15 ani care au urmat, am participat cu lucrări la numeroase evenimente medicale (congrese, conferinte, simpozioane naționale și internaționale), am publicat articole medicale, am participat în proiecte de formare medicală.
Din 2010 sunt referent al cursurilor de pe platforma medicală
Cred că pregătirea nostră continuă este esențială, pentru că știința medicală este „un organism viu”, într-o perpetuă schimbare.
Interesul pentru îngrijirea pacientului vârstnic, în special a celui cu boala Alzheimer, a crescut în momentul în care nu am mai fost doar medic de familie pentru astfel de pacienți ci am devenit și „apartinator”. A fost momentul în care mi-am dat seama cât de descoperiți suntem în fața acestei afecțiuni care devasteaza viața pacientului și familiei.
Pacientul cu BA are de cele mai multe ori și alte afecțiuni care necesită o atenție sporită.
Pacientul cu BA este o provocare, un puzzle cu foarte multe piese, nu doar pentru medic ci și pentru familie. Pacientul cu BA nu poate fi îngrijit doar de un anumit medic, are nevoie de o echipă de îngrijire. Medicul de familie poate fi liantul, poate fi cel care se asigură că fiecare piesă a puzzle-ului e pusă acolo unde trebuie. Este o provocare, dar satisfacțiile pot fi foarte mari!
Andreea Alexandra Vasile, Psychologist
October 2018 - present: Project manager, Romanian Alzheimer Society
Project title: Using drama and storytelling in dementia care
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnership for adult education
Mihaela Zamfir (Grigorescu)
Mihaela Zamfir (Grigorescu) (născută în 1978) este Şef de Lucrări Dr. Arh., Departamentul Sinteza Proiectării de Arhitectură anii IV-V, Facultatea de Arhitectură, Universitatea de Arhitectură şi Urbanism, “Ion Mincu”, Bucureşti, România și conduce din 2006 studioul de arhitectură M.M.G. (
În 2005 obţine diploma de master în “Reabilitarea patrimoniului construit” iar în 2014 titlul de doctor în arhitectură cu teza “Spre o arhitectură a comunităţii- principii interdisciplinare pentru societatea urbană contemporană”.
Competenţe şi expertiză: arhitectura comunităţii │ cercetare interdisciplinară arhitectură-medicină-psihologie-sociologie │ perspective vârstei/ vârstelor în arhitectură │ arhitectură intergeneraţională │ arhitectură prietenoasă cu vârsta │ arhitectură pentru persoane vârstnice │ mediu prietenos cu demenţa │ accesibilitate │
În 2012 câștigă PREMIUL TÂNĂRUL CERCETĂTOR la Conferinţa Naţională de Geriatrie şi Gerontologie împreună cu Dr. Mihai Zamfir. Este autoarea a peste 60 comunicări la conferinţe naţionale şi internaţionale şi a peste 40 articole ştiinţifice de arhitectură cu deschidere interdisciplinară, în special cu medicina, psihologia şi sociologia. Este autoarea a peste 50 locuinţe individuale şi ansambluri rezidenţiale, a realizat peste 40 amenajări de interior pentru locuinţe, apartamente şi bănci. Are de asemenea 3 ani experienţă în domeniul imobiliar. Este implicată în proiecte europene interdisciplinare care au în centru tulburările neurocognitive la vârstnic, Manager de Comunicare în proiectul INDEED și membru în echipa proiectului Sense-Garden.
Mihai Zamfir
Mihai-Viorel Zamfir (născut în 1979) a absolvit Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Carol Davila. Este medic specialist geriatrie - gerontologie și psihiatrie și a obținut titlul de Doctor în Medicină cu tema legăturii dintre fragilitate și afectarea cognitivă. Este Asistent Universitar la Disciplina Fiziologie II - Neuroștiințe, Facultatea de Medicină - Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie "Carol Davila". Este interesat de domeniul demențelor și a publicat mai multe articole pe tema fragilității și afectării cognitive la vârstnici. Are o deschidere interdisciplinară pentru arhitectură și gerontologia enviromentală și este membru al proiectului Sense-Garden.
Colegiul Medicilor din Municipiul București
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Societății Române Alzheimer
| Professional Congress Organizer
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