Vă așteptăm la RAES-ESS 2023 International Joint Meeting,
ce se va desfășura în perioada 31 octombrie - 03 noiembrie 2023,
la Hotel Crowne Plaza, București.
Pentru a accesa website-ul oficial al evenimentelor, click AICI.
Operating on an average of 300 patients per year to treat predominantly upper digestive tract disorders, both benign and malignant; out of the total number of surgical procedures, more than 85% are performed using a minimally invasive approach. Among other MI procedures, laparoscopic gastrectomy for cancer and total minimally invasive esophagectomy are standard of care.
First President of Serbian Association of Endoscopic Surgeons.
Congress President: Digest on Gastroenterology and Minimally Invasive Surgery: from GERD to adenocarcinoma. Belgrade, April 27, 2018.
Frequently conducted research to develop and test minimally invasive surgical techniques that would improve operating procedures and outcomes.