Vă așteptăm la RAES-ESS 2023 International Joint Meeting,
ce se va desfășura în perioada 31 octombrie - 03 noiembrie 2023,
la Hotel Crowne Plaza, București.

Pentru a accesa website-ul oficial al evenimentelor, click AICI.

mark Coleman

Consultant Surgeon, University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Associate Professor, Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry

Chairman of Bowel Cancer West (Charity)

Co-Director Lapco International Consultancy

Chairman of The National Joint Advisory Group for GI Endoscopy

Global reputation for training, patient safety and transformational change in endoscopic surgery

National Clinical Lead for the Lapco National Training Program for laparoscopic colorectal surgery 2008-2014. This performance managed national training network increased the adoption of laparoscopic colorectal surgery in England from 5 to 60%

Lapco has been globalized with faculties in other specialties, such as robotic surgery and gynaecology. It is also been used in multiple different counties such in North Africa, Europe and Australasia