CHIHAI JANA, MD, PhD, MsC, psychiatrist and psychotherapist from Republic of Moldova.
The President of National Society of Psychiatrists, Narcologists, Psychotherapist and Clinical Psychologists, associate professor in Psychiatry Department of State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemițanu” in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova and senior Mental Health Advisor in Trimbos Institute Moldova, project MENSANA, WHO consultant in mental health.
She studied medicine and psychiatry, received psychotherapeutic specialization in European School of Psychotherapy, Socio and Somatoanalyse in Strasbourg, France and Association of Integrative Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, Iași, Romania.
She finished master degree in Public Mental Health, Policy and Services in medical University de Nova in Lisbon, Portugal and remaster in socio-economic research in mental health in Berkley University of California.
She has an experience of working in mental health for 18 years in national and international context.
She developed and implemented a new approach to people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in Moldova when this topic was not the priority in Moldova.
She is a leader of the reform in mental health in Moldova started in 2005 with Stability Pact and nationwide from 2010 and continue to be a good provider of human right of people with disabilities in all Moldovan services.
As scientist she designed and provided different kind of research, evaluation and situation analyses in mental health field and published more that 35 guides, books, articles and reports.
She implemented about 40 projects in mental health, human right, advocacy and education and created the community mental health system with about 40 centers in Moldova.
As a permanent and active member of Ministerial Working Group for Reforming Mental Health Care System in the Republic of Moldova and main specialist in mental health she participated in elaboration of all mental health legal documents, the concept of Integrated Mental Health Services and other legal documents and acts on mental health care.
At the moment, she is president of professional association of psychiatrist in Moldova.
During the COVID-19 pandemic she is involved from the first days in elaboration and implementation, training and promotion of psychosocial support of first-line medical professionals, general population and mental health services.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
| Scientific Partners
Romanian College "Iuliu Hațieganu"
of Psychologists Univeristy of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj
| Under the Aegis
Academy of Medical Sciences
| Professional Congress Organizer
Ralcom Exhibitions srl