Lecturer Doctor at “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery – “St. Pantelimon” Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest, general surgeon, doctor in medical sciences, surgery specialty; with competencies in general ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery, surgical oncology and health management.
Born in 1975 in Brașov, a graduate of the “Andrei Șaguna” National College of Brașov since 1994 and of the Faculty of General Medicine within the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest since 2000.
So far, I have climbed the steps of my university career starting from university preparator, assistant, lecturer doctor and I became a doctor in medical sciences in June 2007, continuing with postdoctoral studies during 2010-2012. I have graduated numerous professional development courses, both in the country and abroad.
I am the author of over 80 articles published in ISI journals with impact factor and of over 150 articles published in journals from international databases. I have given over 150 communications in the country and abroad and I am the main author of 5 books/monographs published in the country or abroad and of numerous chapters in specialized papers.
Romanian Association
of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
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Romanian College "Iuliu Hațieganu"
of Psychologists Univeristy of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj
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Academy of Medical Sciences
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