SVM 2020
Simpozionul de Ventilație Mecanică

Manifestare însoțită de o expoziție medicală specializată

05 - 08 martie 2020
World Trade Center, București, România

23 credite EMC
Simpozionul de Ventilație Mecanică a fost creditat de către
Colegiul Medicilor din România cu 23 de credite EMC,
conform adresei 1048 / 13.02.2020.

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pentru a consulta lista Organizatorilor evenimentului. 

Sanda-Maria Copotoiu 

Born the 9th of July 1954 in Band, Romania. High school in Tg. Mures - top of promotion, graduated The University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Tg. Mures in 1979 as top of promotion and with honors. 

She becomes specialist in Anesthesia and Intensive Care in 1991, consultant five years later. Interested in emergency care, anesthesia for thoracoscopic thymectomy, digestive surgery, ethics. Becomes the first ACCP governor for Romania in 2004, member of the ESA Ethics subcommitte for two terms. She is the receiver of the Hypnos prize in 1995 - European Academy of Anesthesia and was voted best anesthesiologist for 2006. Head of the Clinic of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the Emergency County Hospital of Tg. Mures since 2004, she is nowdays a professor and lectures both in Romanian and English. She overtook the medical journal Acta Medica Marisiensis in 2005 as editor and became deputy editor of the JCCM - Journal of Critical Care Medicine. Married with two daughters - also physicians, she also enjoys reading and travelling.