17th Annual Meeting of
The Euro-Asian Bridge Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons

17-20 October 2024 | Hotel International, Iași, Romania

kay-hyun park

- Graduated from Seoul National University (SNU) College of Medicine in 1987

- Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery resident training in SNU Hospital until 1992

- Staff cardiac surgeon in Samsung Medical Center from 1995 through 2005

- Visiting doctor in Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas, USA) for 1 year in 2002

- Current affiliation: Staff surgeon in SNU Bundang Hospital since December 2005 & tenured professor in SNU College of Medicine since 2012

- > 100 publications in English journals and > 50 presentations or lectures in international scientific meetings

- Director of the biannual Bundang Aortic Surgery Symposium (BASS) which started with a live surgery of thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair in 2008

- Council Member / Vice Secretary General / Aortic Domain Chief of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS) since 2019

- Congress president of ASCVTS 2023 Annual Meeting in Busan, Korea

- Member of Korean Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

- Member of European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery