17th Annual Meeting of
The Euro-Asian Bridge Society of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons

17-20 October 2024 | Hotel International, Iași, Romania

ionel droc

Col. Dr. Ionel Droc Md.Ph.D is a senior cardio-vascular surgeon, former chief of the Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department at Central Military Hospital in Bucharest. Ancient General Manager, previous Medical Director of the Army’s  Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, from Bucharest, Romania and  President of the Vascular Surgery Consulting Commission of the Romanian Ministry of Health. He recieved his medical degree from the „Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest and completed his residency training in cardio-vascular surgery in the Army’s  Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and in the Faculty of Medicine Lariboisiere-Saint-Louis, Paris X, France (DU of congenital and pediatric cardiology, extracorporeal circulation). During 1992 and 1993 he was intern (FFI = faisant fonction d’interne) in the University Hospital Lariboisiere (service du Pr. Bloch) and “attache-associeˮ in the Banque de Tissus, Saint-Louis Hospital–Paris (service du Pr. Gerota). Dr. Droc obtained his PhD in 2005 with the thesis: “Pharmacologic control of ischemia-reperfusion syndromes in cardio-vascular surgery” and the competence in vascular ultrasonography in 2009.

Current appointment:

Cardio-Vascular Surgery Department, Central Military Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

Vascular surgery Department, Regina Maria, Ponderas Academic Hospital Bucharest, Romania

Professional organizations membership:

•            Romanian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (SRCCV) – former Deputy General Secretary, Member in the Steering Council.

•            Romanian Society of Cardiology.

•            Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

•            European Society Cardiovascular Surgery (ESCVS).

•            Elected Associated Member of the Societe de Chirurgie Vasculaire de Langue Francaise (SCV).

•            Elected Associated Member of the Societe Francaise de Chirurgie Thoracique et Cardio-Vasculaire (SFCTCV).

•            International Who’s Who Historical Society.

•            SMIT (Society of Medical Inovation and Technology) member from 2009.