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Dr. Sunnie Kenowsky is the Co-Director of the Fisher Alzheimer’s Disease Program at the New York University School of Medicine (NYUSOM), since 1995. She is a Clinical Instructor since 1996. She is an Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Care Specialist, Care Researcher, and Senior Public Educator in the Department of Psychiatry at the NYUSOM since 2005. She has a thriving private practice as an Alzheimer’s Care Specialist and Care Manager for over 2 decades. She was a family caregiver for numerous relatives with Alzheimer’s and other dementias for 2 decades.
Dr. Kenowsky is CEO and Founder of Digital Dementia Healthcare, an online platform for dementia care. She served on the planning committee for the annual New York City Mayoral Conference on AD for over a decade. She served as a board member of the New York City Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association for nearly 2 decades and chaired their program committee for many years.
Dr. Kenowsky led support groups for children and spouses of Alzheimer’s persons for over a decade. She was the care giving expert on the WLIW live call in and ask the experts show following the airing of the documentary “ Alzheimer’s, is there hope?” as well as for the documentary, “I Remember Better When I Paint” which were broadcast on public television channels across the US. The US Department of the Navy awarded her a medal for meritorious public service as a strong supporter of the United States naval service for significant humanitarian service in the research and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
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Psihiatrie și Psihoterapie
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