cu participare internațională

Ediția a 10-a, Actualități în domeniul demențelor
Manifestare însoțită de o expoziție medicală specializată

19 - 22 februarie 2020
World Trade Center • București, România

Înregistrare Congres

23 credite EMC

Conferința Națională Alzheimer 2020 a fost creditată de către Colegiul Medicilor din Româniacu 23 credite EMCconform adresei nr. 517 / 03.02.2020.


Click AICI pentru a descărca invitația
la Conferința de Presă.

Raluca Sfetcu 

Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences - "Spiru Haret" University, Bucharest

Raluca Sfetcu, MA(HRMgt), PhD, is interested in health services research with the main focus on identifying ways of supporting the development of balanced services in low resources settings. 

Research experience include: conducting research at the National School of Public Health Management and Health Education, in the framework of FP7 funded project (CEPHOS-LINK); conducting research on systems’ financing and the impact of resource allocation on systems’ performance in the framework of the EC funded REFINEMENT at the Romanian Academy’s Institute of Economic Prognosis; working for the National Centre for Mental Health; assisting for an EU funded twinning project wich aimed at reforming the mental health system in Romania.

Currently, she is teaching in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at "Spiru Haret" University in Bucharest and is conducting research for the Romanian Alzheimer Society  in the Framework of SUCCESS, an AAL project co-funded by the EC.