cu participare internațională

Ediția a 10-a, Actualități în domeniul demențelor
Manifestare însoțită de o expoziție medicală specializată

19 - 22 februarie 2020
World Trade Center • București, România

Înregistrare Congres

23 credite EMC

Conferința Națională Alzheimer 2020 a fost creditată de către Colegiul Medicilor din Româniacu 23 credite EMCconform adresei nr. 517 / 03.02.2020.


Click AICI pentru a descărca invitația
la Conferința de Presă.

Mirela Fița 


Born and raised in Roşiori de Vede, a quiet town in the south of the country. I graduated from the Economic Administrative High School. After graduation, I attended the Fundeni Postliceal Health School in Bucharest, starting my work as a nurse at the Department of Neurology at the Central Military Emergency University Hospital "Dr. Carol Davila ". In parallel, I attended the courses of the Faculty of Psychology, fascinated by the world of those studying the human soul. Freud, Nietzsche, Jung, and many others have made me want to become a psychologist, which has happened, and that is happening today, which actually continues, because there is nowhere a barrier to stop you and tells you that you know everything. It was the time I discovered Carl Rogers, my initiation as a psychotherapist in the specialty called "Person-centered therapy". Four years of wonderful experiences, fascinating discoveries of what "me" and "being" mean. After completing the years of training, I continued to read and learn, so I attended a master's degree – "Clinical psychology and psychological counseling". And the adventure continues ... 

In the last seven years, my professional activity as a clinical psychologist is being carried out within the "Academician Nicolae Cajal" Elderly Home, a place for people with wonderful people next to me, willing to make every effort to give to those hosted here warmth, love and security. What we strive to do best.