cu participare internațională

Ediția a 10-a, Actualități în domeniul demențelor
Manifestare însoțită de o expoziție medicală specializată

19 - 22 februarie 2020
World Trade Center • București, România

Înregistrare Congres

23 credite EMC

Conferința Națională Alzheimer 2020 a fost creditată de către Colegiul Medicilor din Româniacu 23 credite EMCconform adresei nr. 517 / 03.02.2020.


Click AICI pentru a descărca invitația
la Conferința de Presă.

Maria Moglan 

Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Vicepresident of The Romanian Alzheimer Society

Mrs. Maria Moglan studied Geology and Psychology in Bucharest and holds a MA in Marketing and Communication, and Clinical Psychology and Therapeutic Interventions. 

She has joined Romanian Alzheimer Society team in 2009 as Executive Director. She is also the Secretary of the Romanian Alzheimer Conference since 2011.

Mrs. Moglan is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist and she finshed her PhD studies in Neurocognitives Disorders. Her specific interest is in neuropsychology and cognitive stimulation.

Mrs. Moglan presented scientific papers at Alzheimer Europe Conferences in Warsaw (2011), Vienna (2012), Glasgow (2014), Copenhagen (2016), Berlin (2017) and at ADI Conference in London (2012), Budapest (2016), Kyoto (2017), also at the 5th Congress of the Association of Teachers in General Practice / Family Medicine (DNOOM), Zagreb (2015).