28 - 30 OCTOMBRIE 2022

Pentagon Events, București

Save the Date!
Congresul Național al Societății Române de Chirurgie Pediatrică 2023
26 - 29 octombrie • București

Vă așteptăm la o nouă manifestare națională a Societății Române de Chirurgie Pediatrică
pentru a relua și dezvolta dialogul științific de succes inițiat la Conferința Națională SRCP 2022!

Przemyslaw Kosiński

I have graduated from Medical University of Warsaw and became a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology and later a consultant in Fetal Maternal Medicine.

Since the beginning of my training my interests focused on complicated pregnancy, prenatal diagnosis, ultrasound and fetal therapy. I also worked for the Fetal Medicine Foundation at King's College Hospital and University College Hospital in London. During that time, I was trained in fetal diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of Professor Kypros Nicolaides. I also developed an interest in fetal cardiology and furthered my knowledge by attending several courses in fetal echocardiography and pathology of congenital heart defects at Royal Brompton Hospital in London and Evelina Children's Hospital in London.

Currently I am involved mostly in fetal therapy including fetoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO) for fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, laser for TTTS and minimally invasive fetoscopic repair for myelomeningocele. I am currently a coordinator of Fetal Therapy in Pediatric Teaching Clinical Hospital, where most pregnant woman with diagnosed congenital abnormalities are referred for fetal therapy, delivery and surgery after birth. My main goal is to provide professional counselling, help pregnant woman with fetal abnormalities and improve prenatal management.  I also coordinate meetings with pediatric cardiac surgeons, pediatric surgeons and fetal-maternal team.