SRCCV 2019

The 15th National Congress of the Romanian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery

The 11th Symposium for Nurses of Cardiovascular Surgery, 
ICU and Cardio-Pulmonary By-Pass

Events accompanied by a specialized medical exhibition

17-20 October 2019
Hotel Sport, Poiana Brașov, Romania

Information note on the processing of personal data issued by the operator Ralcom Exhibitions srl in accordance with Article 13 of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016 and its own policies adopted in relation to the processing of personal data

Ralcom Exhibitions srl, as a Personal Data Operator, processes personal data in good faith through automated and manual means, respecting the legal provisions in the field of personal data protection and in achieving the purposes specified in this Information Note, in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation No. 679 of April 27th 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The processed personal data are the following: name and first name, address, serial number and ID/Passport number, phone number, e-mail, photo, signature or any other personal data required for the purposes below.

Personal data are processed for the following PURPOSES: the conclusion and the deployment of the contractual relation with Ralcom Exhibitions srl based on the  request for supplying the services and products offered by Ralcom Exhibitions srl; to send newsletters/other business communications to promote the company's products/services by using the following means of communication: e-mail, sms and telephone, in case such an agreement was expressed; to process hotel registrations and reservations for the events organized by Ralcom Exhibitions srl; to provide data collected to third parties for the purpose of: reviewing scientific summaries, the implementation of the scientific program by a committee of specialists appointed by the scientific organizer of the SRATI Congress 2019, the collection of abstracts, EMC crediting by authorized national and international institutions, the confirmation of rooming lists with the hotels contracted by Ralcom Exhibitions srl.

Personal data are processed on the following LEGAL BASIS, such as: on the basis of the free expressed consent, according to Article 6 paragraph (1) a) of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016; the execution of a contract to which the data subject is a part of and according to which the data is being processed or for the steps taken at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of a contract (eg. supply of the product or service requested, communication with the induividual concerned in order to execute the contract), pursuant to Article 6, paragraph (1) b) of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016; to comply with the legal obligations of Ralcom Exhibitions srl (eg. reporting to competent authorities, drawing up and keeping/archiving financial-accounting documents (eg. invoices) under the law etc.), pursuant to Article 6, paragraph (1) b) of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016; for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Ralcom Exhibitions srl or third parties (eg. the improvement of Ralcom Exhibitions srl services, the promotion of own services, the recovery of claims relating to the concluded contractual relationship, the assurance of the security of individuals, but by always taking into account the protection of the fundamental interests, rights and freedoms of the person concerned, under Article 6, paragraph (1) f) of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016.The refusal to provide us with personal data or to allow the processing of personal data will prevent us, Ralcom Exhibitions srl, from properly fulfilling our obligations, which may result in the impossibility to provide the required services.

The expressed consent for the collection and processing of personal data may be revoked at any moment and at any later time by submitting a written, dated and signed request at the email address or at our postal address in Bucharest, 20A Raspantiilor St., 2nd District. The revocation of the consent after the personal data collection does not remove the legal right to use the data for the period prior to the withdrawal of the consent.

The retention period of personal data


The processing of personal data will be carried out throughout the validity period of the given consent for the collection and processing of personal data and until when the consent is withdrawn at the request of the data subject.

If the data subject withdraws his/her consent, starting with the moment of the withdrawal, personal data will no longer be processed for the purpose they were collected for.

Data recipients, operators and entitled persons


Personal data may be disclosed or transferred for the above purposes to employees/collaborators/partners/suppliers of Ralcom Exhibitions srl or to affiliated companies and who, in their turn, will be held liable for the confidentiality of the personal data.

Personal data may also be disclosed to the state authorities in accordance with their competencies and applicable law (eg. IRS, MIT, The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing, criminal investigation bodies etc.), in order to fulfill their obligations regarding tax legislation, labor law and others, as appropriate.

In accordance with Article 15-21 of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016, we inform you that each participant has the following RIGHTS with respect to personal data: the right to access and request a copy of the data; the right to rectify the data; the right to request the deletion of the data; the right to restrict data processing; the right to data portability; the right to object to data processing; the right to address The National Supervisory Authority For Personal Data Processing. At the same time, we inform you that according to Article 7 paragraph (3) of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016, each participant has the right to withdraw at any time his or her consent for submiting newsletters or marketing communications.

For exercising these rights or for any other personal data request, one may address with a written, dated and signed application sent to the Personal Data Protection Officer of Ralcom Exhibitions srl at: 20 A Raspantiilor St., 2nd District, Bucharest or  directly to the e-mail

In the event of a request for the exercise of data protection rights, Ralcom Exhibitions srl will respond to this application within 30 days under the conditions laid down in the EU Regulation no. 679/2016.

If it is assessed that the personal data rights have been violated, we inform you that a complaint may be made in this respect to The National Supervisory Authority For Personal Data Processing, located in 28-30 G-ral Gheorghe Magheru Bld., 1st District, Bucharest.

We value the relationship with all our customers, partners and suppliers and we ensure them of our full availability to maintain an optimal working relationship.

For any additional information on the GDPR Rules, please contact us at

Organizing Society Professional Congress Organizer