Al Xlea Congres Național al Asociației Române pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică

Al XIlea Simpozion Național de Chirurgie Bariatrică și Metabolică

Chirurgie minim invazivă - O pledoarie pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a rezultatelor
21 - 23 noiembrie 2019 • Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center
București, România

vă mulțumim!

Organizatorii vă mulțumesc pentru prezența și contribuția la succesul evenimentelor ARCE 2019!




Lectori din România & din străinătate


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Sesiunile științifice, împreună cu Masterclass-ul de Chirurgie Robotică, două cursuri pre-Congres și al doilea webinar live IFSO-EC
au oferit participanților informații prețioase cu impact asupra tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivă. 


Dr. Mohit Bhandari is a Bariatric, Metabolic and Robotic surgeon who is based out of Indore, India. He is the founder and director of Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics, a dedicated Bariatric and Robotic Surgery Hospital.

Dr. Bhandari has rare distinction of performing the highest number of bariatric and metabolic procedures in Asia Pacific region and probably globally. Till date he has performed more than 11000 bariatric procedures. He has been the pioneer in starting Robotic Bariatric surgery in the country and was the first surgeon in the country to perform Robotic Duodenal Switch.

Dr. Mohit Bhandari is also an Endoluminal weight loss specialist and is credited with performing one of the first and highest number of Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty in the Asian subcontinent. He has also pioneered the largest series of single incision weight loss procedures ranging beyond 1500.

Dr. Bhandari’s centre has been declared Ranked one weight loss surgery centre by Times of India, 3IC Research Consultants audit for 4 successive years in a row.