Organizatorii vă mulțumesc pentru prezența și contribuția la succesul evenimentelor ARCE 2019!
Sesiunile științifice, împreună cu Masterclass-ul de Chirurgie Robotică, două cursuri pre-Congres și al doilea webinar live IFSO-EC
au oferit participanților informații prețioase cu impact asupra tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivă.
Professor of surgery and Head of the Department for Minimally Invasive Upper Digestive Surgery at the University Hospital for Digestive Surgery, Clinical Center of Serbia. Operating on an average of 300 patients per year to treat predominantly upper digestive tract disorders, both benign and malignant; out of the total number of surgical procedures, more than 85% are performed using a minimally invasive approach. Among other MI procedures, laparoscopic gastrectomy for cancer and total minimally invasive esophagectomy are standard of care.
First President of Serbian Association of Endoscopic Surgeons.
Congress President: Digest on Gastroenterology and Minimally Invasive Surgery: From GERD to adenocarcinoma. Belgrade, April 27, 2018.
Frequently conducted research to develop and test minimally invasive surgical techniques that would improve operating procedures and outcomes.