Al Xlea Congres Național al Asociației Române pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică

Al XIlea Simpozion Național de Chirurgie Bariatrică și Metabolică

Chirurgie minim invazivă - O pledoarie pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a rezultatelor
21 - 23 noiembrie 2019 • Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center
București, România

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Sesiunile științifice, împreună cu Masterclass-ul de Chirurgie Robotică, două cursuri pre-Congres și al doilea webinar live IFSO-EC
au oferit participanților informații prețioase cu impact asupra tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivă. 

Andreas Melzer

Andreas Melzer was born in 1960 and after studies in Mainz and Tübingen he qualified in Dentistry DDS in 1989 and as MD in 1993. He has 28 years experiences in the development of medical technologies named on 103 patents and over 200 publications. He completed his research and work in Germany at the University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen where he built up the first integrated teaching OR with MRI, CT and minimally invasive surgery workplace and completed a project on MRI guided heart valve implantation as Visiting Professor at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH. Since 2006 he is Professor of Medical Technology and Founding Director of the Institute for Medical Science and Technology and he serves as Director of the Joint Research Institute Medical Technology of the Northern Research partnership and is Honorary Clinical Professor at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee. IMSaT has exceeded € 35 million total project budget in the last 7 years The current IMSaT strategy developed by Professor Melzer is focused on a synergistic program of translational research of basic science towards novel biomedical and clinical applications. Through the Marie Curie and FP/ programme, he was awarded €4.5 million in 6 projects for the development of MRI-guided interventions and focused ultrasound including targeted drug delivery. In 2014 he has been appointed as Professor of Computer Assisted Surgery and Director of ICCAS the Innovation Center for Computer Assisted Surgery of the University Leipzig, Germany. In the same year he has been invited and one of 1000 experts to serves as Professor of FUS at Chongqing University, China

 Selected Publications (Invited)

1. A.Melzer, S.Cochran, P.Prentice, M.P.MacDonald, Z.G.Wang and A.Cuschieri, “The importance of physics to progress in medical treatment”  INVITED  by  Lancet (2012) 379 (9825) 1534 – 43
2. Melzer A “Principles of MR-guided interventions, surgery, navigation, and robotics”. INVITED by Bundesgesundsheitsblatt Germany 53(8):768-75 (2010)
3. Melzer A “Technology in the operating theatre of the future - Integration of imaging methods in image guided surgery” INVITED  by Zentralblatt für Chirurgie, 133 (3) 197 - 200 (2008)
4. Melzer A, Gutmann B, Remmele T, Wolf R, Lukoscheck A, Bock M, Bardenheuer H, and Fischer H, “INNOMOTION first Robot for percutaneous image-guided interventions” INVITED  by IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Magazine 27 (3) 66 - 73 (2008)
5. Melzer A, Schmidt A, Kipfmuller K, Gronemeyer G, Seibel R. Technology and principles of tomographic image-guided interventions and surgery. INVITED by Surgical Endoscopy-Ultrasound and Interventional Techniques, Vol 11, Issue 9, 946-956 (1997)
6. Melzer A, Schurr MO, Buess G, Schmidt A, Seibel RMM, Groenemeyer DHW. Medical approach to system science. INVITED by Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, Vol 4, Issue 5-6, 301-308 (1995)
7. Melzer A, Schurr MO, Kunert W, Buess G, Voges U, Meyer JU. Intelligent Surgical Instrument System ISIS. Concept and Preliminary experimental application of components and prototypes. INVITED by Endoscopic Surgery and Allied Technologies, Vol 1, Issue 3, 165-170 (1993)

Selected publications in the last 5 years
Gourevich D, Dogadkin O, Volovick A, Wang L, Gnaim J, Cochran S, Melzer A. Ultrasound-mediated targeted drug delivery with a novel cyclodextrin-based drug carrier by mechanical and thermal mechanisms. J Control Release. 2013;170(3):316-24.
Saliev T, Feril LB Jr, Nabi G, Melzer A. Targeted manipulation of apoptotic pathways by using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in cancer treatment. Cancer Lett. 2013 ;338(2):204-8.
Melzer A, Cochran S, Prentice P, MacDonald MP, Wang Z, Cuschieri A. The importance of physics to progress in medical treatment. Lancet. 2012;379(9825):1534-43.
Zangos S, Melzer A, Eichler K, Sadighi C, Thalhammer A, Bodelle B, Wolf R, Gruber-Rouh T, Proschek D, Hammerstingl R, Müller C, Mack MG, Vogl TJ. MR-compatible assistance system for biopsy in a high-field-strength system: initial results in patients with suspicious prostate lesions. Radiology. 2011;259(3):903-10.
Chen S, Wang L, Duce SL, Brown S, Lee S, Melzer A, Cuschieri A, André P. Engineered biocompatible nanoparticles for in vivo imaging applications. J Am Chem Soc. 2010;132(42):15022-9. 

Editorial functions and Review boards
Co-Editor in Chief Endoscopic Surgery and Allied Technologies ESAT 1993-1996
Technology Editor Surgical Endoscopy 1995-2003
Assistant Editor Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies since 1996
2005 Endoskopie Heute, Thieme Publisher
2007 Computer aided Radiology and Surgery
2009 Editorial Board Surgical Endoscopy
since 2010 Member of LS7 panel of European Research Council ERC
Reviewer for BMBF, Wellcome Trust, EPSRC, and MRC
Reviewer for the Governments of: Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland.

Co-organizer and chairman of medical conferences and member of medical societies
General Secretary of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology
CoFounder and General Secretary of the European Society for Focused Ultrasound Therapy
Board member/counselor of 1) German Society for Endoscopy and Imaging Techniques DGE-BV; 2) German Society for Medical Technologies DGBMT; 3) German Roof Association of Societies of Medical Technologies DVMT 4) counselor of the European Alliance of Biomedical Engineering Society EAMBES.
Permanent Member of the Technology Committee of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery EAES, organizer of the Winter Meetings.
Chairman of 1) MRI Technology in Medicine Committee at DGBMT; 2) Endoscopic Surgery AA Committee on German Standards DIN; 3) MRI Terms and Definitions working group at Germans Standards DIN AA Magnetic Resonance; 4) Microsystems in Medicine Committee 4.6 of GMM and VDE/VDI 1996-2004