Al Xlea Congres Național al Asociației Române pentru Chirurgie Endoscopică

Al XIlea Simpozion Național de Chirurgie Bariatrică și Metabolică

Chirurgie minim invazivă - O pledoarie pentru îmbunătățirea continuă a rezultatelor
21 - 23 noiembrie 2019 • Willbrook Platinum Business & Convention Center
București, România

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Sesiunile științifice, împreună cu Masterclass-ul de Chirurgie Robotică, două cursuri pre-Congres și al doilea webinar live IFSO-EC
au oferit participanților informații prețioase cu impact asupra tehnicilor de chirurgie minim invazivă. 


Dr. Achilles Ploumidis graduated from the Medical School of the University of Athens (UOA) and completed his residency (General Surgery and Urology) in Athens where he was also trained in pediatric urology and Urogynecology. He further graduated from the two-year postgraduate program of the UOA: "Minimally Invasive Surgery, Robotic Surgery and Telesurgery". 

In 2013 he defended his thesis (UOA) and he received his PhD degree with excellent grade. He was trained at the University Oncology Center "Karolinska Institutet" of Sweden in robotic surgery with scholarship from the Hellenic Urological Association after written exams. There he specialized in robotic surgery of the lower urinary tract under the supervision of Prof. Peter Wiklund, while at the same time undertook clinical research for prostate cancer. 

He was further trained in robotic surgery of the upper urinary tract and Urogynaecology at OLV Vattikuti Robotic Surgery Institute in Belgium, under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Mottrie, with a scholarship from the European Robotic Urological Association (ERUS). He participated in research and clinical programs in the filed of urogynecology and single site robotic surgery. During that time he was also an instructor in robotics and laparoscopic surgery at ORSI Robotic Training Center, a position that he holds until today. 

He completed a fellowship program in endourology and flexible ureteroscopy at the Tenon Hospital, Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris with a scholarship from the European Society of Urology (EAU), under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Traxer. During that period he published in the field of upper tract urothelial carcinoma and stone management. He has been visiting the University Urological Department of Ghent and the "Sava Perovic Foundation" in Belgrade, in order to retrain in pediatric urology, urethral surgery and plastic surgery of the genitalia. 

He teaches at the Medical School of Athens University in the postgraduate Master course "Minimal Invasive Surgery, Robotic Surgery and Telesurgery", and he is responsible for the clinical and hands-on-training of physicians in robotic surgery. He is frequently invited as instructor (Hands-On-Training) in robotic surgery and endourology at the European Urology Residents Education Program (EUREP), in the International Workshop in Robotic Surgery for Southeastern Europe (SEERSS), in the annual congress of the European Association of Urology, in the European Robotic Urologic Symposiums (ERUS) and in the European Multidisciplinary meeting on Urological Cancer  (EMUC).

He frequently gives lectures (ESU Courses) on behalf of European Association of Urology (EAU). He is faculty and trainer at the hands-on certification courses on Robotic Pediatric Urology (ORSI Academy Training Center, Belgium). He has introduced and established clinical robotic programs in different hospitals in Cyprus and Romania (official robotic proctor).

He has been honored with best paper award at the annual European Congress of Urology (EAU, Milan 2013). He has also received best paper award from the European Society of Robotic Surgery (ERUS 2011). In 2016, he was honored with the second prize for his video presentation (ESGURS16). In 2017 he was awarded second prize during the EAU “Challenge the Experts” Winter Forum in Davos. He has been honored with best poster session on ureteroscopy tools and techniques (EAU, London 2017).

He is a member of the robotic group of the Young Academic Urologists (YAU), of the PETRA group, of the ERUS reconstruction-working group and he is a founding member of the Greek society for reproductive medicine. Since the beginning of this year he is a panel member of the European Association of Urology  (EAU) Guidelines Office. He has been involved in basic and clinical research for prostate and bladder cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, robotic surgery, stone surgery and endourology. He is a full time consultant at the Athens Institute of Robotic & Endoscopic Urology at the Athens Medical Group.